
 2024-02-17 08:29:06  考研全封闭辅导班    20

原标题:2015考研英语二真题深度解析:阅览text3 2015年考研英语二阅览第三篇难度不大,与早年相等。文章关于美国公司言语的改变及其特征的。接下来就让咱们一同深度分析每道标题...



31.according to nancy koehn, office language has become(nancy koehn看来,单位言语现已变得___)这是一道实际细节题。回归文章第一段nancy koehn 的话“the lingua franca of corporate america has gotten much more emotional and much more right-brained than it was 20 years ago,”美国公司的混合语比起20前来更富情感。emotional 和right-brained 是近义词,指“有豪情的”。直接对应a. more emotional 文章原词。

32. “team”-oriented corporate voc

abulary is closely related to (“团队”导向型的公司用语与_____ 紧密有关)这是一道细节题。回归原文:“let’s not forget sports—in male-dominated corporate america, it’s still a big deal.(咱们不能忘了体育文明,因为在在男性主导的美国公司,它仍然是件大事)阐明这种词汇与体育文明息息有关,正确选项[c] sports culture很简略选出。

33. khurana believe that the importation of terminology aims to (khurana认为专门术语的输入,是为了___)标题中的importation(引入)可以有同学会与importance(重要性)混杂,所以必定要留心区别,读懂题干。这是一道细节题。回归原文第三段第1句:these terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and, as khurana points out, increase allegiance to the firm(这些术语是为了使作业获满足义,然后增加对公司的忠诚(allegiance要害词)。”正确选项[d]中strengthen employee loyalty,loyalty 和allegiance 是近义词,归于同义替换。

34. it can be inferred that lean in (可以揣度lean in 这本书____)归于推理判别题。回归到第4段第2句“the ‘mommy wars’…prompting arguments about why women still can’t have it all and books like sheryl sandberg’s lean in…”“(妈咪之战”激起了女人为何不能统筹作业与家庭的谈论,并推进了像lean in 这类书本的呈现)。由此可见,lean in这本书道出了许多职场女人的困惑。正确选项[a]voices for working women: 其间voice 做动词,指“为...说话”这儿译为“道出了职场女人的心声”

35. which of the following statements is true about office speak?

定位到最终一段第1句but this seems to be the irony of office speak: everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it, companies depend on it, and regular people willingly absorb it.(人人都拿它开玩笑,可是司理们喜爱它,公司依靠它,而一般人也情愿承受它)[d]. regular people mock it but accept it,其间mock与make fun of 是近义词,accept 与absorb 是近义词。回来搜狐,查看更多


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