
 2024-04-11 03:53:59  考研全封闭式培训机构    12

原标题:考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2222 本系列给同学们推送的是经济学人读译参阅文章,我们可以测验翻译一下,坚持操练,不只对考研英语的阅览了解有所协助,还能前进...

原标题:考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2222



考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2220

考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2221


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this is scientific american's 60-second science, i'm christopher intagliata.seems like any time you see a squirrel, it's busy doing something—headed somewhere; scrounging for food. and being out and about all the time also mean

s "they're tasty morsels for a lot of different predators."keith tarvin, a behavioral ecologist at oberlin college. he says squirrels scan their surroundings for hawks and owls, cats and foxes. but they also have another surveillance system: they eavesdrop on nearby birds."eavesdropping on alarm calls or eavesdropping on chatter is a cheap and easy way to supplement the information they have access to. because it's free. it's produced by other individuals in the environment. it's publicly available to any organism that has the cognitive ability to recognize and interpret that information."


这儿是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是克里斯托弗·因塔格里塔。如同任何时分看到松鼠,它们都在繁忙——忙着前往某地或是寻寻食物。一向四处奔波意味着?鞘切矶嗖灰谎妒痴哐劾锏目煽谑澄铩!卑虏盅г旱男形Ъ一肌に乃档健K昝鳎墒蠡岬鞑橹芪遣皇怯杏ァ⒚ㄍ酚ァ⒚ê秃辍2还腔褂辛硗庖桓黾喽教逑担核腔嵬堤诮哪窭唷!巴堤窭嗑ㄉ蛎猩且恢旨羟壹蚵缘姆椒ǎ梢悦植顾腔竦玫男畔ⅰR蛭庑┬畔⑹敲夥训玫降摹J怯苫肪持械钠渌霰鸱⑸摹H魏尉哂斜嫒喜拍芮夷芩得髡庑┬畔⒌纳锒寄芙衣痘袢 !?br>

tarvin's colleague marie lilly tested that ability by riding round town on her bicycle, stopping when she found a squirrel. then she'd set up her equipment. play the fearsome scream of a red-tailed hawk.(clip: hawk sound)and then either play the casual, unworried chatter of songbirds...(clip: chatter)... or ambient noise...(clip: ambient)... as a control. all the while, she observed the squirrels' behavior.




and she noticed that when squirrels heard the reassuring chatter of songbirds following the hawk's scream, they relaxed more readily. "imagine this: if you're walking in a crowd, and everyone seems pretty happy and content, and they're chitchatting with each other, you might even subconsciously take that as information that all of those eyes and ears perceive the environment as being safe. and we think the squirrels might be listening in on bird chatter in the same way." the details are in the journal plos one.squirrels give back to the community, too, with their own alarm calls.(clip: squirrel alarm)which might help other eavesdropping animals. but in busy urban environments, tarvin says that rich fabric of animal communication risks being drowned out, by the loudest animals around: us.(clip: city sounds)thanks for listening for scientific american — 60-second science. i'm christopher intagliata.




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