
 2024-01-02 12:17:59  考研全封闭式培训机构    12

还记住那位陪女儿考研却比女儿先考上的母亲吗?周亚松,早在2015年就因为给女儿陪考而首先考上华中师范大学的研讨生。本年7月, 56岁的她又收到了韩国大学院的博士选择告诉书。活到老,学到老——这句话在周亚松的身上得到了...

还记住那位陪女儿考研却比女儿先考上的母亲吗?周亚松,早在2015年就因为给女儿陪考而首先考上华中师范大学的研讨生。本年7月, 56岁的她又收到了韩国大学院的博士选择告诉书。活到老,学到老——这句话在周亚松的身上得到了印证。有些人,人到中年、作业平稳、家庭友善,不免就想持续年青时的教育。[photo/pexels]国外知乎quora上就有这么一道经典的领会题——“人到中年回到学校读书是啥领会?”底下充溢了各种中年持续教育的勉励故事:网友eamon o'kelly 38岁的时分就回到学校念本科。i went back to university full-time at 38 to finish my ba degree. i was the oldest student in all my classes but i would see a few older students around the college. i studied history and economics and did very well: i didn’t have the distractions that are common among traditional-age students such as partying and boyfriend/girlfriend dramas; i had the discipline that comes from 20 years in the workplace, and thus did everything well and on time; and i had real-world experience that benefited me greatly.我38岁回到大学攻读全日制学士学位。我是一切班级中年纪最大的学生,但我也会在学院里看到一些年长的学生。我学的是前史和经济学,成果极好:我没有遭到传统年纪段学生常见的分神要素的影响,比方说参加派对以及恋爱那一套等;我有20年的作业经历,因而每件事都做得极好、很准时;这些实际世界的经历让我获益匪浅。之后她又在41岁去了纽约大学法学院念研讨生。when i was 41, i went to law school of nyu. again, i was among the older students but not the oldest: there was a woman in my class who had graduated from college the year i was born! the same factors that had benefited me in undergraduate studies also stood to me in law school (the real-world experience was particularly useful). i graduated in the top ten percent of my class at one of the best law schools in the united states.我41岁的时分去了纽约大学法学院。我仍然是年纪较大的学生之一,但不是年纪最大的:我班上有位女同学在我出世那年就大学结业了!使我在本科学习中获益的要素也相同在法学院 到了我(实际世界的经历特别有用)。我结业于美国最佳的法学院之一,成果在班上名列前茅。i have always loved history but studying it seriously at university broadened and deepened my understanding in ways that i cannot begin to describe. i also find economics inherently interesting and my undergraduate economics courses have helped me tremendously in my career as an antitrust lawyer.我一向酷爱前史,但在大学里细心学习前史,以我无法描绘的方法拓宽和加深了我对前史的了解。我还发现经济学本身就很风趣,我本科的经济学课程对我反独占律师的作业生计协助很大。dianne mclaren-brighton发现自个40多岁读研讨生并不比20多岁读本科的时分难多少。年纪不是疑问,她还交到了忘年交。i got my master’s degree when i was in my 40s. it wasn't any more difficult than it was to get my ba in my late teen-early 20s. most of my classmates were in their mid to late 20s, but other than having a few cultural references that were different, the age difference was not an issue. in fact, i now have a terrific friend who is a decade younger than i and whom i would never have met had we not been in school together.我在40多岁的时分拿到了硕士学位,感触并不比我在20岁出头的时分拿到学士学位困难多少。我的大大都同学都在20多岁支配,但除了有一些不一样的文明布景外,年纪差异不是疑问。实际上,我如今有一个极好的兄弟,对方比我小十岁,假定咱们不在一同上学,就不会有这段缘分。amer khwaja也是类似的情况,他发现此前忧虑的许多作业根柢就没有发生。i went back to school at 43 and got my bs in photography. i was very nervous about it:我43岁回到学校,拿到了拍摄学的学士学位。起先我还挺忧虑的: i thought the other students would be smarter than me, that wasn’t the case.我认为其他学生都会比我聪明,但实际并非如此 i thought the other students wouldn’t like me, that wasn’t the case, they didn’t like me anymore or less than normal. for the most part, people just do their own thing.我认为其他学生不会喜爱我,但这也没发生。他们喜不喜爱我跟一般情况没啥两样。大多时分,我们都只管着做自个的作业。 i actually feel i had an advantage in classes in that the professors were mostly about my age so i could relate to them better than the other students.其实我感触我在班里还有点优势,因为教授们根柢上都是我这个年岁的,我感触我连年青学生更简略和他们共处。 i liked college a lot because of my real-world experience, it made me understand things so much better and i was far more motivated to learn than some of the other students who were straight out of high school.因为我有实际世界的经历,所以我挺喜爱读大学的。这些经历让我了解起常识来更快,而且我学起来也比其他同学有动力得多,他们才刚刚大学结业。gill bullen则标明,她的老公作为具有过两段作业生计的退伍武士,回到大学里学核算机是一件又有用又开心的作业。my husband left secondary school at 15, and joined the royal navy; when he left (by then a junior officer) ten years later, they recommended that he should go to university, but he refused; he felt that at 25 he was too old.我丈夫15岁就从大学参加了皇家水兵;10年后他脱离戎行(其时是一名初级军官),有人主张他去上个大学,但他回绝了;他觉得25岁年岁太大了。fifteen years and a second career (in industrial purchasing) later, he suddenly decided he wanted to go to university. he had a wonderful time there, was suddenly a good ten years younger, got a very good degree (in computing) and went on to a happy third career as a freelance programmer and systems analyst.十五年后,也是第二段作业生计(工业收购)之后,他俄然抉择要上大学。他在学校里度过了一段夸姣的韶光,整自个俄然年青了10岁,还获得了一个非常好的学位(核算机专业)。接着,他便初步了第三段开心的作业生计:做安适作业程序员和体系分析师。早年为许多大学生做过作业方案的jann hoke发现,许多“非传统学生”一般都是成果优良的。almost without exception, the best and most motivated students are the non-traditional students. ("non-traditional" is defined as a college student who doesn't fit the stereotype of being 18 - 22 years old.)几乎无一破例,最佳最活泼的学生对错传统学生。(“非传统学生”意思是不契合18-22岁这个一般区间的大学生。)in my experience, non-traditional students are more likely to be on time for class and be prepared. their essays are usually far more interesting because of their life experiences. they ask good questions and they understand that they are paying me to teach them (through their tuition). they want value for their money and are willing to work with me to see that they get it.根据我的经历,非传统的学生更有可以准时上课并做好足够预备。鉴于他们的日子阅历,他们的文章一般要风趣得多。他们会提出各种好疑问,也理解他们是付钱给我来教他们的(经过学费)。他们期望自个的钱花的值,并情愿与我协作以保证他们有所收成。网友traye white用三段排比鼓舞了一把一切想要经过教育持续追梦的中年人。people will always tell you you're too old, talk to you about the income you'll lose, bring up the opportunity cost.

but you're already asking the question. in your 40′s you're thinking about going back to school and making yourself better, you already want to go back. do it.我们老是会跟你说你太老了,说你会失掉多少收入,还会说到机缘本钱。但你现已在问这个疑问了。在你40多岁的时分,你在想回到学校,让自个变得非常好,你现已想回去了。那就去吧。you can't put a financial price tag on your feelings of accomplishments and self-worth. maybe it leads to a better job, maybe not. but you want a college degree, so go get one. as long as you don't neglect your family and bankrupt yourself chasing some foolish dream, do it.你不能用金钱来衡量你的作用感和自我价值。持续教育或许会带来非常好的作业,或许不会。但你想要大学学位,那就去搞一个。只需你不是为了追逐个些愚笨的愿望而无视你的家庭或许让自个破产,那就去做吧。most people work dead-end jobs for minimal pay and have very little time to enjoy themselves. if education gives you the slightest bit of happiness and satisfaction, shines a small glimmer of light on a dull existence, it's worth it, do it.大大都人做着一眼望得到头的作业,赚着菲薄的薪水,几乎没有时刻享受自个的日子。假定教育能给你带来一丝高兴和满足感,在单调的日子中闪烁出一丝光辉,那就值得,去做吧。当然,承受教育并不是一剂万灵药。有些年青人或许在父母烦琐的时分诉苦过他们为啥不能在自个的日子里去做些有意义的作业,比方说读书、研讨拍摄、承受教育等等。可是实际是,作业过的人可以领会到,上完一天班回到家,最想做的不是承受教育,而是躺平吃瓜看剧。noteantitrust /ntitrst / adj 反托拉斯的;反独占的terrific / trfk / adj 极好的;绝妙的;了不起的freelance /frilns/ adj 特约的;安适作业的existence /ɡzstns/ n (尤指困难或无聊的)日子,日子方法glimmer /'ɡlm(r)/ n.微小的亮光学士学位 a bachelor's degree硕士学位 a master's degree修改:陈月华来历:quora来历:china daily
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