
 2023-12-13 03:50:18  考研全封闭式培训机构    14

1 i fundamentally believe that we as human beings are not defined by the conditions we face, no matter how hopeless they seem — we are defined by how we respond to them.我根柢上信赖,人類不會被所面臨的...

1 i fundamentally believe that we as human beings are not defined by the conditions we face, no matter how hopeless they seem — we are defined by how we respond to them.我根柢上信赖,人類不會被所面臨的環境所定義,無論看似所麼沒有期望 – 我們被做出的反應所定義。2 fearlessness isn’t the absence of fear, but rather the mastery of it.無畏不是沒有畏懼,而是對畏懼的掌控。3 be nostalgic about the past. be very realistic about the present. educate

yourself thoroughly. be optimistic about the future. human ingenuity is limitless.對過去懷舊,對當下非常實際,完善的教育自个,對未來樂觀,人的創造力是無限的。考研路上 与您同行!
23考研初试会因疫情延期!官方答复来了(考研初试复试占比) 返回列表

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