
 2023-06-26 23:06:58  考研全封闭式培训机构    11

考研英语美文阅读   引导语:对英语美文的阅读,可以提高英语写作水平和英语阅读水平,以下是百分网小编推荐给大家的考研英语美文,欢迎阅读!   篇一   military service is notoriously rough on a service membe...

考研英语美文阅读   引导语:对英语美文的阅读,可以提高英语写作水平和英语阅读水平,以下是百分网小编推荐给大家的考研英语美文,欢迎阅读!   篇一   military service is notoriously rough on a service member ’s mental health. according to some estimates, 30 percent of service members develop some type of mental health issue within four months of returning home after deployment.   当兵对个人的心理健康会造成重大的负面影响。据估计,百分之三十的服兵役的人在退伍回家之后的四个月内会或多或少出现一些心理疾病。   the military is spending more money than ever to address mental health issues within the ranks, and their latest attempt is a smart phone application called the t2 moodtracker application, which helps service members keep track of their mental health after deployments.   部队现在正花大代价来解决军人们的心理健康问题。他们最新推出了一个叫做t2 情绪追踪器的智能手机应用软件,这个软件可以帮助退伍士兵时刻关注自己的心理健康问题。   the app works like a high-tech diary, allowing users to express emotions and behaviors that result from therapy, medication, daily experiences or changes happening at work or in the home.   这个软件就好像是一本高科技日记,使用者可以把他们接受心理治疗使用药物之后的情感和行为记录下来,也可以记录他们在工作和生活中经历的一些事情。   the smart phone app isn ’t supposed to be a pocket therapist, though. it serves more as an extremely accurate and timely record of a service member’s mental health.   这款软件并不能被当做一个“随身携带的医生”。它只是用来及时而准确地记录退伍老兵的心理健康。   perry bosmajian is a psychologist with the national center for telehealth and technology, where this smart phone app was created. he says this smart phone app will yield much more accurate results on the psychological conditions of service members who have returned home.   皮埃尔·博斯马吉安是这款软件的设计者,他在国家远程卫生和技术中心工作。他说这款软件能够详细记录下退伍士兵的心理健康状况。   “therapists and physicians often have to rely on patient recall when trying to gather information about symptoms over the previous weeks or months,” bosmajian said. “research has shown that information collected after the fact, especially about mood, tends to be inaccurate. the best record of an experience is when it’s recorded at the time and place it happens.”   “治疗师和医生都必须依靠病人的描述来获取信息,判断他们前几个星期或者前几个月里出现的一些症状”,博斯马吉安说,“这些依靠回忆获得的信息往往是不可靠的,特别是关于情绪的回忆。最好的办法就是在情绪发生的时候将它准确地记录下来。”   the app specifically tracks anxiety, depression, general well-being, life stress, post traumatic stress and brain injury. the daily expressions add up over time to produce a trend that can be observed by physicians and therapists.   这款软件能够详细记录下使用者的焦虑,抑郁,幸福感,生活的压力,创伤后的压力和脑部损伤。这些每天记录下来的信息日积月累就可以形成一条曲线,治疗师和医生可以参考这条曲线所反映的心理趋势。   the app has been downloaded more than 5,000 times since it became available on the android market a year ago. the app should be available for iphone users some time next year.   这款软件一年前在android 市场上发布以来,已经被下载了5000 次。明年也许就可以在iphone 上使用了。   篇二   an important skill   the world today is a very competitive place. therefore, it is necessary to develop

some skills to increase one’s chances of success. many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. however, i believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicate well with others.   it is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. in today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. a good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. in this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. in addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. he or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. this means that a good communicator is often a natural

leader. finally, with good communication skills, it is easier to persuade others to accept your point of view. having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to success.   for all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong communication skills are the most important to have. good communication is important in all situations, so a skillful communicator will always be in high demand.   参考译文:   一项重要的技能   现今的世界竞争十分激烈,因此,必须培养一些技能以增加自己成功的机会。许多技能,如领导能力、第二语言能力,以及技术能力,如电脑程式设计等,现在都非常有用。然而,我认为最有用的技能是擅长和别人沟通的能力。   良好的沟通技巧,其重要性再怎么强调也不为过。在现今的社会中,我们必须与他人合作。擅长沟通的人比较容易能将自己的意见清楚地表达出来。如此一来,便能减少误会,以免造成不良的`感觉,甚至浪费时间和力气。此外,具有良好沟通技巧的人会是一个优秀的调停者与协商者,在解决纷争、加强合作时可以扮演重要的角色。这就表示,善于沟通的人常常就是天生的领导者。最后,具有良好的沟通技巧使你比较容易说服别人来接受你的观点,而你的意见和计划能被别人认同是迈向成功很重要的一步。   基于上述理由,我相信,卓越的沟通技巧是最重要的必备技能。良好的沟通在所有的情况中都非常重要。所以,善于沟通的人总是非常受欢迎的。   篇三   a study by academics from the university of california and northwestern university claimed that “ the causal link between the consumption of restaurant foods and obesity is minimal at best.”   加利福尼亚大学和西北大学的一项研究发现“快餐食物和肥胖之间并没有必然联系”。   it argued that a tax on high-calorie food, as proposed by many health campaigners in the us and britain, may therefore not be an effective way for governments to tackle the problem.   在英国和美国,众多的健康人士建议对高卡路里食物征税,但是这项研究却表明这样做也许并不是政府解决肥胖问题的有效途径。   the study analyzed data compiled by the us department of agriculture on calorie intake around the country. it found that people living closer to restaurants were not significantly more likely to be obese than people living further away, indicating that easy access to restaurants had little effect.   该研究分析了由美国农业局统计的关于美国各个地区人们卡路里摄入量的数据。结果发现住在餐馆附近的人并不比远地方的人更加肥胖,这就意味着离快餐店近并不是造成肥胖的直接原因。   it also showed that while restaurant meals typically held more calories than home-produced food, many customers often offset this by eating less throughout the rest of the day.   该研究同时还表明虽然快餐食物通常含有比家里自制的食物更高的卡路里,但是人们在吃完快餐食物之后往往会减少一天食物的摄入量,这样副作用就抵消了。   obese people who ate at restaurants, the study indicated,“also eat more when they eat at home.”   研究表明,在餐馆吃饭的肥胖人士在自己家里的时候往往也会吃得很多。   the us government estimates that about one in three americans, or 100 million in total, are obese. last month it was predicted that 75 percent of americans would be overweight in 2020.   美国政府估计每一百个美国人中间就有一个肥胖者。上个月的一项调查预估到2020 年75%的美国人都会超重。   the problem is thought to cost americans between $150 billion and $170 billion in annual medical costs.   肥胖问题每年都会花费美国政府1500 亿到1700 亿美元的医疗费用。   the study’s authors, michael anderson and david matsa, wrote: “while taxing restaurant meals might cause bese consumers to change where they eat, our results suggest that a tax would be unlikely to affect their underlying tendency to overeat.”   该研究的作者,迈克尔·安德逊和大卫·麦莎写到,“尽管向高卡路里食物征税可能改变人们的就餐地点,但是却不能改变他们潜在的过度饮食的习惯。” s("content_relate");【考研英语美文阅读】相关文章: 1.英语美文阅读集锦 2.英语励志美文阅读 3.经典励志英语美文阅读 4.励志英语美文短文阅读 5.短篇的英语美文阅读 6.mba考研英语阅读技巧 7.考研英语阅读高分经验 8.mba考研英语阅读方法 9.考研英语阅读的备考建议
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