
 2023-03-31 20:59:58  考研全封闭式培训机构    12

原标题:【2019考研英语进阶】:长难句精析(五) the latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences, enlisted by the white house, to tell us that the earth...


the latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences, enlisted by the white house, to tell us that the earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming

and that the problem is largely man-made. the clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves.

上面的句子选自考研英语阅读真题2005年的第二篇,选自u.s. news and report,原文题目为warming to the task,文章走势:发现问题-分析问题-解决问题。


[1]主句部分是 “the latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences, enlisted by the white house, to tell us”;

“panel”后接有两个定语成分:“from”引导的介宾短语以及含“enlisted”的过去分词短语,意思是“白宫召集的、来自国家科学院的专家团”;在to tell us 之后接的是tell的两个宾语从句;




the latest was from the, enlisted by the, to tell us that the earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. the clear message is that we should get moving to protect.返回搜狐,查看更多


“头铁的人很多”,张雪峰谈考研现状,揭开了多少人的“遮羞布” 返回列表

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