2017考研英语经济学人阅读 漫步伦敦

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考研英语阅读百分之八十都出自一些英美报刊杂志The Economist ( 《经济学家》 ), Times(《时代周刊》等等,所以考生平时做阅读训练的时候可以多看看这些文章,考研网考研频道也会分享一些出自这些杂志的中英文双语阅读,大...

考研英语阅读百分之八十都出自一些英美报刊杂志The Economist ( 《经济学家》 ), Times(《时代周刊》等等,所以考生平时做阅读训练的时候可以多看看这些文章,考研网考研频道也会分享一些出自这些杂志的中英文双语阅读,大家可以看看。下面是关于伦敦漫步者增多的一篇文章,大家读读看。


Walking in London




Urban pedestrians buck a national trend


LONDON is a city made for walking.Unlike, forinstance, Los Angeles itscentre is easily accessible on foot.Outer boroughs are no more thanan hour ortwo away.Its curved streets, in contrast to the rigid grid of New York,welcomeidle wanderers and busy commuters alike.But despite traffic queues andteeming undergroundcarriages most prefer to drive or to squeeze on to the Tubeto get around the city.This isstarting to change.


Between 2001 and 2011 the number of trips made daily on foot in Londonincreased by12%.Nearly a third of the Londoners sampled made a continuous walkof 30 minutes once aweek between 2010 and 2011 to get from place to place,rather than for exercise.Each day6.2m walks are made across the city.


And both rich and poor walk a similar amount.In areas such as Kensingtonand Chelsea 11%walk for at least 30 minutes five times a week or more.In TowerHamlets 12% of residentsdo.One of the largest changes in the city over the pastdecade is the number of pedestrians,says Michèle Dix of Transport for London(TfL), which runs the city's transport networks.OnJuly 10th TfL launched theRoads Task Force, with plans to spruce up pavements.



reasons account for the walking boom.The number of Londonersincreased by 12%from 7.3m in 2001 to 8.2m in 2011, and Tube trains are broilingand overcrowded.But otherfactors also encourage pedestrians.In 2004 KenLivingstone, then mayor of London, vowed tomake London a “walkable city”.Some ofhis plans were carried on by Boris Johnson, the currentmayor.These include ascheme to create clearly-marked maps for use across the city.Of 33boroughs inLondon 22 now have the distinctive yellow-branded signs on their streets.AllTfL-owned property (such as Tube stations and bicycle-hire points) is covered bythe scheme.Thisdeters tourists from popping on the Tube to travel one stop fromCovent Garden to LeicesterSquare, a distance of 0.3m (0.5km) says Tony Armstrongof Living Streets, a charity forpedestrians.


Streets are also becoming more pedestrian-friendly.Exhibition Road in SouthKensington wasredeveloped in 2011.Pavement curbs were removed and tarmacreplaced by granitebricks.Fewer cars now go down the road, which stretches fromHyde Park to the museums andrestaurants around the station, encouraging swarmsof pedestrians.In June plans to develop awalkway by the Thames in Vauxhall wereannounced, turning a neglected part of London intosomething resembling the HighLine in New York (which transformed a disused railway trackinto a lively publicgarden).


Londoners may also be more aware of the advantages of walking.Healthcampaigns like theNHS's “Live Well” emphasise that walking is the easiest formof exercise.Rubber wristbandpedometers, such as “FitBit” and “FuelBand”, arealso increasingly popular.


But the capital is bucking the national trend.Although in 2011 walking wasup across thecountry, it has seen an overall decline of 27% in Britain since1995.This is partly caused byfewer children walking to school.And while ruralrambles are still popular, fewer people arewalking to their weekly groceryshop.Many more are shopping online.Local authorities want tochangethis.Pedestrians spend an average of £373 ($571) a month, compared with £226fordrivers, according to data from TfL.Ailing high streets and town centres needto win backwalkers.Learning from London's incentives would be a start.


1.prefer to 较喜欢,宁愿

例句:Some mothers prefer to nourish their babieswith milk.


2.rather than 与其…倒不如

例句:The zoo needed better management rather thanmore money.


3.at least 无论如何,反正

例句:What they wanted most from the president was a leader who at least wouldtry to educatethe country.


4.carry on 继续进行

例句:Even though you may feel you 're glowing like Rudolph' s nose, “ justbreathe and carryon.



The Economist ( 《经济学家》 ) :www.economist.com

Newsweek ( 《新闻周刊》 ) : www.newsweek.com,id

Times( 《时代周刊》 ) : www.timesonline.co.uk,tol,news

U.S. News and World Report 《美国新闻与世界报道》 ) : www.usnews.com

New York Times ( 《纽约时报》 ) :www.nytimes.com
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