
 2024-01-19 02:26:51  考研全封闭辅导班    6

俗话说的好:得阅读者得天下,失作文者失江山。在mba英语中,写作的重要性仅次于阅读,它是能够决定我们能否在英语中取得高分,在万千的学子中脱颖而出。 我们在学习英语写作的时候都是在背诵经典范文,通常都是在网上找,东...





directions:suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day.
write an email to the customer service center to
1). make a complaint and
2). demand a prompt solution
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming"instead .

dear sir or madam:
i am terribly sorry to inform you thati found something wrong with the electronic dictionary i bought from an online store a couple of days ago. today i, as one of the consumers, am writing this email with the aim to complain about it and offer a solution to it.
to begin with, the appearance of it had been scratched(划破). to continue, i did not find the battery promised in the advertisement.as a result,i request that a satisfactory explanation should be given, and you can either send a new one to me or refund me.
i would appreciate it much ifyou could do anything necessary to tackle what i have encountered. andi am looking forward to your prompt reply.
yours sincerely,
li ming


directions:suppose you have found something unsatisfactory during the tripto yunnan the other day.
write an email to the customer service center to
1). make a complaint and
2). demand a prompt solution
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming"instead .

dear sir or madam:
i am terribly sorry to inform you thati found something unsatisfactory during the trip to yunnan the other day. today i, as one of the tourists, am writing this email with the aim to complain about it and offer a solution to it.
to start with, the guide forced us to go shopping time after time. to continue, it is expected that we would visit eight scenic spots but it turned out to be six.as a result, i strongly request that a satisfactory explanation should be given, and you can either say apology to me or refund me.
i would appreciate it much ifyou could do anything necessary to tackle what i have encountered, andi am looking forward to your prompt reply.
yours sincerely,
li ming


directions:suppose your class is going to hold english speech contest.
write an email to your teacher professor williams to
1. invite him to be a judge for it
2. tell him some details about it
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming"instead .

dear prof. williams:
it is a privilege/a great honor for me to inform you thatwe are gong to hold english speech contest next week. today i, as one of the organizers of this activity, am writing this email with the aim to invite you to be a judge for it and inform you the details concerned.
to start with,this speech contest will be held in students ’ union hall next monday. if you have any doubt about the time and the place, you can call me.to continue, the topic of this contest is concerning the way to success.finally,i wonder if you could give a comment on contestants’ performance at the end of the contest.
i would appreciate it much ifyou could accept my invitation without hesitation and wish you everything goes well.
yours respectfully,
li ming


directions: suppose a company is going to recruit an assistant managerwrite a letter to advertised in china daily.

1. apply for it, and
2. tell them your qualifications
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming"instead .

dear sir or madam:
i am delighted to learn thatyou will recruit an assistant manager advertised in china daily recently. today i, as one of the applicants for it, am writing this letter with the aim to apply for it and tell you my qualifications.
to start with,i have always been a top student in my specialized area.meanwhile,i have been taking an active part in a variety of other activities, during which my teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills improved.additionally,i am convinced that i have abilities to face up to any challenge in my future career and conquer it.
i would appreciate it much ifmy applications were taken your favorable consideration, and i am looking forward to your prompt reply.
yours sincerely,
li ming


directions:suppose a company is going to recruit an assistant managerwrite a letter to advertised in china daily.

1. apply for it, and
2. tell them your qualifications
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming"instead .
dear sir or madam:
i am delighted to learn thatyou will recruit an assistant manager advertised in china daily recently. today i, as one of the applicants for it, am writing this letter with the aim to apply for it and tell you my qualifications.
to start with,i have always been a top student in my specialized area.meanwhile,i have been taking an active part in a variety of other activities, during which my teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills improved.additionally,i am convinced that i have abilities to face up to any challenge in my future career and conquer it.
i would appreciate it much ifmy applications were taken your favorable consideration, and i am looking forward to your prompt reply.
yours sincerely,
li ming


directions:suppose one of your good friends encountered serious traffic jam during the national day.
write a letter to he
1. express your sympathy for him, and
2. offer your suggestions on how to solve it
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming "instead

dear my friend,
i am terribly sorry to learn thatyou encountered a heavy traffic jam during the national day. today i, as one of your closest friends, am writing this letter with the aim to express my sympathy for you and offer my proposals on how to solve it.
for one thing,each citizen should be educated to be well aware of obeying the traffic rules, which is the basic solution to the traffic problems.for another,it is vital thatthe department concerned should pass strict rules and regulations to impose limitation on the number of cars on the expressway.in addition,the free toll of the expressway should be called off during it.
it is my sincere hope thatyou will find my proposals conducive and practical.i would appreciate it much ifyou could accept them without hesitation(毫不犹豫) .
yours sincerely,
li ming


directions:suppose you want to study at a certain foreign university.
write a letter:
1) inquire about the situations there,
2) ask about qualifications, fees and accommodation
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use "li ming"instead .

dear sir or madam:
it is a great honor for me to tell you thati am going to study in your university next year. today i, as one of the applicants,am writing this letter to inquire about the situations and ask about something important, such as qualifications, fees etc.
to begin with,what qualifications do i need to follow at your university? i wonder if there are any further academic requirements.to continue, how much are the tuition fees? although i intend to be self-supporting, i would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students.in addition, what is the situation as regards accommodation?
i would appreciate it much ifyou could tell me the information concerned, and i am looking forward to your prompt reply .
yours respectfully,
li ming


dear sir,
i learned(得知消息要用过去时)from the conference organization committee that you are looking for(招人要用现在进行时) volunteers who can provide language service, and i am writing(写信是现在时) this letter to apply for the position.
i am an english major with tem 8 and cet 6 certificate from shanghai university. during my four years in the university, i had passed ( 过 去 的 经 历 不 要 忘 记 过 去 时 ) all the required courses with satisfactory marks.besides,i am an experienced interpreter good at familiarizing myself with the details of the activity in a short time.last but not the least,i have enough spare time to serve the conference.
i hope thatyou can offer me a chance of talking in person(一般会要求面试), andi am looking forward to(期待是现在时) your reply at your early convenience.
sincerely yours,


dear sir,
i am writing to apologize forthe bad performance of the washing machine you bought from our department store. i do hope(希望的语气可以稍微强烈一点) you can accept my sincere apologies.
in fact, the mistake is due to our ignorance(万能开头,啥错误不是失误呀). the manufacturer of the washing machine has cooperated(完成时要注意。) with us for ten years, and never made(过去没有犯过错误,现在有了) a mistake like this, then we did not double check the product(自己还是有责任的)i want you to know that your trust is very important to us, so we will send(解决方案是将来时) an employee to take the machine back and give you a full refund.
once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused by it, and hope you can accept the apologies.(再次道歉).
sincerely yours,


dear sir,
i am writing to apologize thati will quit(辞职是将来时) the position as a salesman(职位最好写清楚) of your company for the reason of myself.(责任都是你的) .
six months ago, i was accepted(被招募是过去时) by the marketing department as a member of it. i was deeply impressed by the diligence and kindness of my colleagues around me(拍马屁). but during the span of working here, i have come(现在完成时) to realize a fact that the position probably is not suitable for me, because i want to have a more peaceful life without mounting pressure. in fact, i am not an outgoing boy able to communicate with so many different people.(理由也可以替换成老公出国工作了,孩子出国读书了。)
once again,i am sorry for any inconvenience caused by it, andi am looking forward to an early reply at your convenience.(道歉信与申请信的组合).
sincerely yours,


date:may 4th, 2016
to:all staff employees
from:shawn, department manger
subject:use of the conference room
it has come to my attention thatthe conference room is always left in a mess. therefore, i need your help to follow the rules listed below:
(1) take out the garbage including used cups, bottles and plastic bags after the meeting.
(2) switch off all the electric equipments such as lights, computers and air-conditioners before leaving.
(3) do not move the tables and chairs in the room.
(4) do not

take any of the facilities out of the room without permission.
(5) compensation will be required if any facility is damaged.
(6) the room will be not available to you if you fail to obey the rules.
thanks for your cooperation


dear zhang wei,
i am happy to learn thatyou have moved to a new house, and will hold a house warming party to celebrate it.(表示开心,注意将来时) i am sure that it will be fabulous(赞扬活动,注意将来时)unfortunately, i am sorry to say that i could not attend it(表示拒绝).
three days ago, i was told by my supervisor that i would have a business trip to visit an important client on the same day of your party. (原因是过去时)i tried to make some adjustments about the schedule, but the airplane ticket and the hotel were already booked beforehand, and this client trusts no one but me, so it is unlikely to make other employees replace me.(表达你尝试去做改变,但是无效)
anyway, i feel sorry for disappointing you,(表达遗憾) but please wait to receive my surprising gift for you.have a good time.(给出祝贺).
sincerely yours
li ming


dear mike,
i am so sorry to hear thatyou are not feeling well for a few days(直接说出提建议的原因).if i had known that, i would have written this letter to you earlier.(客套话)
as your best friend, i know you have the headache issue for a long time.in my opinion,you are too busy and should not work late every night, because a good health is more important than a career(体现自己对问题的熟悉) my father is a doctor of a famous hospital in shanghai, and he always tells me that when you are tired, you should lie down and have a good rest, or you tend to fall ill.(可以引用权威人士的建议)now, a nice holiday will be the best choice for you to have a full recovery. (提出建议)
above all,please accept my suggestions and make some changes.(希望建议被接受)i believe you can feel better soon.
sincerely yours,
li ming




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