
 2024-01-19 02:26:47  考研全封闭培训    7

2002text1in sympathy with 支持某人/某事convention 公约;惯例;大会;常规;习俗show sb around 带某人参观push aside 把某人推到一边rush to the head of the line 冲到队伍前头stomp 重踏移动;行进等be in a position to...

2002text1in sympathy with 支持某人/某事convention 公约;惯例;大会;常规;习俗show sb around 带某人参观push aside 把某人推到一边rush to the head of the line 冲到队伍前头stomp 重踏移动;行进等be in a position to 有资格,有能力,有条件做某事make a passing mark about顺便提及inedible 不可食用canteen 食堂notorio

us 声名狼藉的;臭名昭著的cut in打断,插嘴disparaging 蔑视的,轻视的,毁谤的off-the-cuff 未经准备的;当场的;即席的well-worded 措辞得当的light-hearted 轻松的exaggeration 夸张;夸大;铺张;僵化
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