
 2023-05-03 04:00:47  考研全封闭培训    18

They discovered that the highest concentrations of microplastics are found at depths of 50 to 250 metres, which is also where filter-feeding whales mainly eat because of the high availability of k...

They discovered that the highest concentrations of microplastics are found at depths of 50 to 250 metres, which is also where filter-feeding whales mainly eat because of the high availability of krill.




With nearly one million job vacancies across the country, Canada is turning moresquarelytoward foreigners to address its labor shortage and has set record-breaking immigration targets for the coming three years.


The new policy aims to attract a total of 1.45 million immigrants between 2023 and 2025 and was announced by Sean Fraser, Canada’s immigration minister, on Tuesday. It came as the country hit another demographic milestone last week, when the census agency announced that more than one in five Canadians is now an immigrant. The attitude of Canada’s government toward immigration is a stark departure from those of governments in Western countries such as Sweden and Italy, where newly elected parties are seeking tocurtailimmigration and are blaming immigrants for crime and disorder.


Some of the concerning trends, Mr. Fraser continued, include an aging population and aloomingwave of retirements. Census data released in April showed that the number of people nearing retirement in Canada is at a record high.“If we don’t do something to correct this demographic trend, the conversation we’re going to have 10 or 15 years from now won’t be about labor shortages,” Mr. Fraser said. “It’s going to be about whether we have the economic capacity to continue to fund schools and hospitals and public services that I think we, too often, take for granted.”


In a recent survey by the Environics Institute for Survey Research, a nonprofit polling firm, 58 percent of people contacted said they supported more immigration, and 69 percent of respondents disagreed when asked if Canada was taking in too many immigrants. Still, about half of those surveyed also believed that newcomers were “not adopting Canadian values,” suggesting public support could become morevolatile.


While travel restrictions during the pandemic temporarily slowed immigration, Canada continues to be the fastest growing country in the Group of 7, according to census data collected last spring. New data published last week by the national census agency revealed that 23 percent of Canada’s population are immigrants, the highest proportion since Confederation in 1867, when the first four provincesunifiedto form Canada.


本文节选自:The New York Times(纽约时报)




英 [?skwe?li] 美 [?skwerli]

adv. 直角地;诚实地;正好;干脆地;正当地


英 [k???te?l] 美 [k??r?te?l]

v. 减缩,限制;剪短;剥夺……特权等


英 [?lu?m??] 美 [?lu?m??]

adj. (不希望或不愉快的事情)迫近的,逼近的

v. (突然地)出现;赫然耸现;逼近(尤用于不好或吓人的事物)(loom 的现在分词)


英 [?v?l?ta?l] 美 [?vɑ?l?t(?)l]

adj. 易变的,动荡不定的,反复无常的;(情绪)易变的,易怒的,突然发作的;(液体或固体)易挥发的,易气化的;(计算机内存)易失的

n. 挥发物;<罕>有翅的动物


英 [?ju?n?fa?d] 美 [?ju?n?fa?d]

adj. 一致的,统一的;联合的,一体的

v. (使)联合,(使)统一;使协调(unify 的过去式和过去分词)


原句:It’s going to be about whether we have the economic capacity to continue to fund schools and hospitals and public services that I think we, too often, take for granted.

结构:It’s going to be about whether we have the capacity to XXX.

例句:It’s going to be about whether we have the capacity to overturn everything and start again.






? END ?




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