
 2023-12-22 05:52:18  考研全程辅导    6

stinky?tofu ? n臭豆腐 lanzhou beef noodles ?n兰州牛肉拉面 sliced noodles ? n刀削面 filling soup packets ?n灌汤包 four-joy meatballs ?四喜丸子 candied haws on a stick ?冰糖葫芦 ma po tofu ?麻婆豆...

stinky?tofu ? n臭豆腐
lanzhou beef noodles ?n兰州牛肉拉面
sliced noodles ? n刀削面
filling soup packets ?n灌汤包
four-joy meatballs ?四喜丸子
candied haws on a stick ?冰糖葫芦
ma po tofu ?麻婆豆腐
chili bean paste 豆瓣辣酱
flower pepper ? 花椒
megacity ?n大城市
ferment ?v发酵、引起
lunch bars ?快餐店
extol the virtues of ?赞扬美味
amorphous ?

sugar cane ? ?n甘蔗
plum ? ? n李子
almond ? n杏仁

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