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原标题:考研英语阅读 | 《经济学人》读译参考 day1799 本系列给同学们推送的是经济学人读译参考文章,大家可以尝试翻译一下,坚持练习,不仅对考研英语的阅读理解有所 助,还能提高翻...

原标题:考研英语阅读 | 《经济学人》读译参考 day1799

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英语阅读 | 《经济学人》读译参考 day1797

英语阅读 | 《经济学人》读译参考 day1798


text 1799



to find out if businesses talk the talk and walk the walk, the researchers parsed the shareholder reports and investor documents of s&p 500 companies.using natural language processing techniques, they analyzed some 43,000 files, containing more than 1.2 billion words.and they looked for associations between words that signify women, like she and her.and words typically associated with leadership, like assertive or ambitious or effective.one way to think of it is if you had an autocomplete system like you use on your phone and you said “she is…” it would be like, how likely is it that the next word is “powerful”?once they assessed this association…we then asked: how do these associations change when you hire women as leaders?and we saw the same pattern across all of this data: that hiring women as senior leaders led to an increased association with those leadership-congruent traits.and it wasn’t that the companies were extolling the virtues of their own specific staff.


为了找出企业是否说到做到,研究人员分析了标准普尔公司的股东报告和投资人文件。他们使用自然语言处理技术,分析了大约4.3万份文件,包含超过12亿个单词。他们寻找表示女性的词语之间的联系,比如“she”和“her”。还有一些通常与领导力相关的词汇,比如果断、雄心勃勃或高效。一种理解方式是,如果你有一个手机上使用的自动补全系统,你会说“她是……”,也就是说,下一个单词有多大的可能是“高效”?一旦他们评估了这种联系……然后我们会问: 当你雇佣女性担任领导时,这些联系会发生什么变化?我们在所有的数据中都看到了相同的模式: 聘用女性担任高级领导会增加这些与领导力特征一致的词汇的关联。这并不是说这些公司在颂扬自己某个特定员工的优点。


so it’s not just discussion of those new ceos and board members.but [it] actually generalizes to discussion of women more broadly.so we were heartened to see this result.at the same time, they wondered whether there might be any backlash.in other words, when a woman is seen as more competent, is she then considered to be less compassionate

and considerate.happily, we saw that there was no decreased association with being caring and these kinds of likable traits.even better, the data suggests that the organizations that saw the biggest boost in female-linked leadership language are more likely to hire even more women.so this highlights the opportunity for a virtuous cycle where the effect can snowball.appointing women leads women to be more closely associated with these traits that are seen as necessary to be leaders and this can actually precipitate hiring more women in the future.so it’s a very exciting process to witness.and something the head honcho will surely write about in her next annual report.for scientific american’s 60-second science, i’m karen hopkin.




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