2019考研英语(一)大作文热点话题预测 家庭教育类

 2022-09-08 08:39:58  考研全程辅导    8

1. 家庭教诲 family education 2. 高学历 a higher degree 3. 成绩感 sense of achievement 4. 坦荡眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision 5. 进修常识和技术 acquire knowledge and skills 6. 为...

1. 家庭教诲 family education

2. 高学历 a higher degree

3. 成绩感 sense of achievement

4. 坦荡眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

5. 进修常识和技术 acquire knowledge and skills

6. 为社会做进献 make contributions to the society

7. 不成推辞的责任 unshakable duty

8. 死记硬背 learn things by rote

9. 塑造或人性情 mold/shape one’s character

10. 促成孩子身心成长 promote children’s physical/mental/intellectual/emotional development


1. 跟着经济和社会的成长,各行各业对高学历的人材需求量大。

With the development of economy and society, those with high degrees are in great demand in all walks of life.

2. 怙恃过分庇护孩子,是以孩子没法自力面临并解决糊口中的坚苦。

Parents shield their children from the hardships, therefore, the children cannot independently face and solve the difficulties in their life.

3. 怙恃应当赐与孩子更多自力解决问题的自由。

Parents should give their children more freedom to cope with troubles and problems by themselves.

4. 怙恃应当培育孩子杰出的性情和能力,只有如许,他们长大后才能对社会做出进献。

Parents have to cultivate their children’s good personality and ability, and only in this way can they make contributions to the society when they grow up.

5. 应试教诲系统中,学生经受来自家庭和黉舍太重的进修包袱。

In the examination-oriented education system, students are heavily burdened with studies from families and schools.



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your co妹妹ents.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


Emerging from the elaborately painted cartoon is an ironic scene: with sweat steaming down his face, a father pulls up his son’s neck to help him read a stack of books on the left, while the little boy, holding a pen and a notebook, looks unhappy and reluctant to finish reading.

The scenario echoed by the drawing above can be seen in almost every family: an increasing number of parents dedicate to their children’s early co妹妹encement for formal education. Why does this phenomenon take place? First of all, due to the fast economic and technological development, the society is full of fierce competition, so most parents expect their kids to start formal education at a very early age and have a bright future. According to a survey conducted by a newspaper, 30% parents argue that children’s early co妹妹encement for formal education can enrich the life and improve test scores. Secondly, some organizations advertise that being put to early studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children's mental abilities, such as the ability to

memorize, the ability to understand and so on.

Every parent hopes their children succeed and have a better life when they grow up, but it is a long process to make this dream come true. Family education should promote not only the children’s intellectual development, but also their physical and mental development. Only in this way can the children realize all-round improvement.
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