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布景常识 比特币,作为第一个也是最被广泛运用的数字钱银,其来历一向充溢奇妙。尽管许多人信赖它是由奇妙的程序员中本聪创造的,但网络上还撒播着其它的狡计理论。其间,一种理论指出比特币可所以美国国家平安局(nsa)...


didbitcoinleakfrom an americanspylab?
now a similarargumenthasbroken outaround bitcoin, the first and most usedcryptocurrency. bitcoin's a

cceptedoriginis that it was invented by satoshi nakamoto, apseudonymouscoder, who published a paper describing it in 2008 before later vanishing from sight. but a theory circulating online holds that bitcoin wasdreamed upbythe national security agency (nsa), an american spy agency that also doescutting-edgecryptographyresearch. "i think it was ashutteredinternalr&dproject which one researcher thought was too good to layfallowon the shelfand chose tosecretlyrelease," tweeted nic carter, aprominentbitcoin fan.
如今,环绕第一个也是最常用的加密钱银比特币也爆出了类似的争议。公认比特币的来历是由名为中本聪(satoshi nakamoto)的匿名程序员开发的,他在2008年宣告了一篇叙说比特币的论文,后来从我们的视野中不见了。但网上撒播的一种理论认为,比特币是由美国国家平安局(nsa)创造出来的,nsa是一家从事顶级密码学研讨的美国间谍机构。出名比特币喜爱者尼克·卡特(nic carter)在twitter上写道,“我认为这是一个关闭的内部研发项目,一位研讨人员认为它太好了,不能被放置起来,所以选择隐秘发布。”
mr carter and hisfellowtravellersthink they havea smoking gun: a paper written in 1996 by nsa employees entitled "how to make amint: the cryptography ofanonymouselectronic cash". and the papercites workby a researcher named "tatsuaki okamoto".
but the paper is more smoke than gun. it ismerelya survey ofcryptographicideas that might be used in digital cash. unlike bitcoin, whose big innovation was itsdecentraliseddesign, the schemes in the paper rely on an overseeing authority. it discusses the risks that electronic cash would pose totaxationandlaw enforcement. "thus the idea that the nsa would develop a decentralised,trustlesscryptocurrency as a 'monetary bioweapon' that wouldimpairtheir own government's functions isimplausible," writes david rosenthal, a cryptocurrencysceptic, on his blog.
但该论文只是没有被证明的推论。它只是查询可用于数字钱银的加密概念。比特币的一大立异在于其去中心化的方案,与之不一样的是,该论文中的方案依靠于一个监管机构。它谈论了电子钱银可以给税收和法律带来的风险。加密钱银置疑论者大卫·罗森塔尔(david rosenthal)在他的博客中写道:“因而,nsa将开发一种去中心化的、无需信赖的加密钱银,作为一种‘钱银生物武器’,损坏他们自个政府的功用,这种主意“如同是不符合道理的”。

bitcoin /?b?t?k??n/ n. 比特币;
leak /li?k/ vi. 泄露,泄露(隐秘信息);泄露;
spy /spa?/ n. 间谍;密探;
argument /?ɑ?rɡjum?nt/ n. 争论;争持;争论;争辩;
break out 俄然发生;
cryptocurrency /?kr?pto?k??r?nsi/ n. 加密电子钱银;
origin /???r?d??n/ n. 来历;源头;缘由;
pseudonymous /su??dɑ?n?m?s/ adj. 匿名的;运用笔名的;运用化名的;
coder /?ko?d?r/ n. 编码员;
dream up 方案;构思;
the national security agency (nsa) 美国国家平安局(nsa);
cutting-edge /?k?t?? ?ed?/ adj. 抢先的;
cryptography /kr?p?tɑ?ɡr?fi/ n. 密码学;密码术;
shuttered /???t?rd/ adj. 被关闭的;
internal /?n?t??rn(?)l/ adj. 内部的;
r&d abbr. 研讨与开发(research and development);
fallow /?f?lo?/ adj. 休闲的;休眠的;
on the shelf 被放置;放置;扔掉;
secretly /?si?kr?tli/ adv. 隐秘地;
prominent /?prɑ?m?n?nt/ adj. 闻名的;
fellow traveller 情投意合的人;
a smoking gun 确凿的根据;
mint /m?nt/ n. 许多的钱;
anonymous /?'nɑn?m?s/ adj. 匿名的;不签字的;
electronic cash 电子资金;数字化钱银;
cite work 引证研讨作用;引证作品;
merely /?m?rli/ adv. 只是,只不过;只是;
cryptographic /?kr?pt??ɡr?f?k/ adj. 加密的;
decentralised /,di:'sentr?laizd/ adj. 去中心化的;部分化的;
taxation /t?k?se??n/ n. 税;税款;税金;税收;
law enforcement 法律;
trustless /?tr?stl?s/ adj. 不可以靠的; 哄人的;
impair/?m?per/ vt. 损害,削弱;
monetary bioweapon 钱银生物武器;
implausible /?m?pl??z?b(?)l/ adj. 难以相信的,不像真实的;
sceptic /?skept?k/ n. 惯持置疑情绪的人;置疑论者;

文本选自:the economist(经济学人)
原文发布时刻:11 oct. 2023

"success is not the key to happiness. happiness is the key to success. if you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - albert schweitzer
"成功并非高兴的钥匙,高兴才是成功的钥匙。假定你酷爱你正在做的事,你将会成功。" - 阿尔贝特·施韦策尔


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