
 2024-02-17 19:48:50  考研全封闭式培训机构    16

原标题:2021考研英语(二)高文文抢手论题深度练习:电子商务 【考点考向】电子商务 【必备主题词】 1. 电子商务 e-commerce 2. 运营额 turnover 3. 有助于 contri...




1. 电子商务 e-commerce

2. 运营额 turnover

3. 有助于 contribute to

4. 跨国公司 multinational companies

5. 一起尽力 make joint effort


1. 跟着互联网和电子技能的极大推进,许多跨国公司经过互联网彼此打开事务。

with the internet and electronic technology being vastly pushed forward, a great number of multinational companies ha

ve business done with one another on the internet.

2. 跨境生意和长间隔生意的简化也使电子商务的成交额有了腾跃。

the simplification of cross-border trade and long-distance transaction also made the leap of e-commerce turnover.

3. 咱们大约谨记其时这一表象将会在将来一向持续下去。

we should bear in mind that the current phenomenon will be bound to continue in the near future.

4. 只需具有齐备的法规,咱们才干具有充溢期望的经济打开。

only by overall regulations can we embrace the promising economic development.



write an essay based on the following chart. in your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart and

2) give your comments.

you should write about 150 words.

write your essay on the answer sheet.

this bar chart provides the information about the volume of transaction of e-commerce from 1997 to 2011. to put more precisely, there was a growth in the turnover from 1997 to 2005, and the turnover in 2011 soared up to 300 billion dollars.

the current phenomenon could be traced to a multitude of reasons, but the most possible ones could be sought as follows. to begin with, i am strongly convinced that this is partly due to the fact that information technology began to be improved since 1995, which contributes to the growth of e-commerce transaction. moreover, with the internet and electronic technology being vastly pushed forward, a great number of multinational companies have business done with one another on the internet. last but not least, the simplification of cross-border trade and the long-distance transaction have also made the leap in e-commerce turnover.

taking what has been analyzed above into consideration, we should bear in mind that the current phenomenon will be bound to continue in the near future. however, while maintaining the development of e-commerce, we should realize the risk of it, thus making joint effort to set up laws and regulations about the e-commerce safety. only by overall regulations can we embrace the promising economic development.回来搜狐,查看更多


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