
 2023-06-27 05:43:31  考研全封闭式培训机构    12

本期介绍英语中和“选择”有关的4个词汇,其常见的搭配以及地道的表达。■choice释义:普通意义上的选择例句:yet the adjusted figures leave something out, too. which career to follow, and whether to work part-tim...

本期介绍英语中和“选择”有关的4个词汇,其常见的搭配以及地道的表达。 ■choice 释义:普通意义上的选择 例句: yet the adjusted figures leave something out, too. which career to follow, and whether to work part-time, are individual choices. yet they are influenced by tax and benefit rules, education and child-care policy, and social norms. ensuring equal pay for equal work would not, in itself, make germany’s boardrooms less male, or get more women into well-paid sectors. 然而,调整后的数字呈现的并非全景。选择什么样的职业,是否做兼职,这些都是个人选择。但是,这些选择受到税收、福利政策、教育和育儿政策以及社会规范的影响。保证同工同酬并不会降低德国董事会的男性比例,也不会让更多的女性进入待遇优厚的行业。 ■option 释义:指的是某个特定情境下众多选择中的一个。 例句: both tests suggest that mr. dimon should leave the stage sooner rather than later. a good option would be for him to do so at the end of next year. by then the next generation of executives will have acquired the experience necessary to run the western world’

s biggest bank at a time of technological tumult, while not being so frustrated that they quit. 两项测试均表明,戴蒙应尽早退出舞台。明年年底或许是好时机。到那时候,新一代高管攒足了经验,能够在技术动荡的时期,经营西方最大的银行,不会因为感到挫败而放弃。 ■alternative 释义:通常指的是可用于替代现有事物的另一个选择。 例句: in the uae, perhaps the most successfully diversified oil economy, the main alternative to crude is tourism, which provides 12% of gdp. but the covid-19 outbreak has scared off visitors. 阿联酋或许是多元化发展最成功的石油国,原油的主要替代品是旅游业,后者为国内生产总值贡献了12%。但是,新冠病毒疫情把游客都吓跑了。 ■selection 释义:通常指的是经过精心挑选出来的,比较出色的人或事物。 例句: he dared to challenge natural selection as the only driver of evolution, and he queried climate change: not the fact that it was happening, but the usefulness of the models that aimed to predict its effects. in any case, some of those effects might be beneficial—a longer growing season, for example, and fewer deaths from the cold. environmentalism struck him as more a religion than a science. 他敢于挑战“自然选择是驱动人类进化的唯一因素”的观点,并对气候变化表示质疑。他质疑的不是气候变化正在发生的事实,而是那些预测气候变化影响的模型是否有用。不管怎样,部分影响可能是有益的。例如,生长季节变长了,寒冷气候的致死率更低了。对他来说,环保主义是一种宗教,而不是科学。 (转自微信公众号“施说英语”)
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