
 2024-01-04 05:23:08  考研全程班多少钱    7

这些资料都是up主从淘宝等地方购买得到,希望分享给大家。 interest /5intrest/ n [u]利息:pay interest on a capital sum(付一笔资金的利息)naturally he will try to borrow money at a low rate of interest, but loa...

interest /5intrest/ n [u]利息:pay interest on a capital sum(付一笔资金的利息)naturally he will try to borrow money at a low rate of interest, but loans of this kind are not frequently obtainable. [2000 part ii]?当然,他想要设法获得低利率贷款,但这种贷款不是经常能借到的。
n [c uss pl]?好处;利益:it is in your best interest to cooperate.(合作对你最有利。)?as the internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access—after all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are. [2001 passage 2]?(随着互联网日益商业化,普及上网符合商家利益——因为,上网的人越 多,潜在客户就越多。)for example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. [2007 part c](比如,有关证据和事实、基本权利和公众利益这样的概念在新闻判断和新闻 制作过程中所起的作用就像在法庭上一样。) 【常见义】n [u, sing]兴趣
juggle /5dvqgl/ v [i, t]?(尤指吃力地)同时应付(几份工作、多项活动等):?it?s hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.(既要上班,又要带孩子、做家务,实在是太辛苦了。)?i have discovered, as perhaps kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of she after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of?“juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into?“downshifting”?brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. [2001 passage 5](我发现,放弃“为生活打拼”的信条转向“低 速生活”,会带来远比经济成功和社会地位更为丰厚的回报(凯尔西因不堪不断增加的压力 辞去了《她》杂志编辑的职务——这件事曾被广泛报道),此后,她或许会与我有同样的发 现。) 【常见义】v [i, t]玩杂耍
ladder /5lade(r) / n [c]?(事业等发迹、进身、晋升等的)阶梯,途径,门路:he is still on the bottom rung of the political ladder.?(他尚处于政治阶梯的最低一级。)?the coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing japan?s rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs. [2000 passage 4](战后生育高峰 期出生的一代人进入成年以及女性进入男性主宰的就业市场,这些都限制了青少年的发展机 遇。这些青少年已经开始质疑,为进所好学校、找份好工作而攀登日本残酷的社会阶梯所付 出的巨大代价,是否真的值得。) 【常见义】n [c]梯子
launch /lr:ntf/ v [t]?使(某人、某事物)行动;使开始:?the company is launching a new model next month.(这家公司下个月将推出新型号产品。)?people ar

e absorbed into?“a culture of consumption”?launched by the 19th century department stores that offered ast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. [2006 text 1](人们沉迷于由19世纪百货商店所创造的“消费文化”中, 这类商店“在一种优雅的环境中供应琳琅满目的商品”。) 【常见义】v [t]使(新船)初次下水
league /li:g/ n [c]?里格(旧时长度单位,约?3?英里或?4.8?公里) :?said one recorder of events,“the air at twelve leagues’?distance smelt as sweet as a new-blown garden.” (一位事件记录者 说道:“百里之外传来的气息犹如鲜花初放的花园那样芬芳迷人。”) 【常见义】n [c]联盟
lean /li:n/ adj?(行业、 公司)高效精干的:?staff were pruned, ostensibly to produce a leaner and fitter organization.(裁员表面上是让公司更有效率,更健康。)?friedman relies on a lean staff of 20 in austin. [2003 text 1](在奥斯汀,弗里德曼依靠一个只有?20?名员工的精干团队。) 【常见义】adj(指人或动物)瘦的
line /lain/ n [c]?行业;行当:?the stresses unique to their line of work(他们这一行业所特有 的压力)?some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. [2004 text 1](有的 人用它来密切关注对于本行业的市场需求或搜集有关薪水的信息以备加薪谈判时胸有成竹。)?n [sing]?(产品的)类型,种别:this shop has a nice line in winter coats.(这家 商店的冬装大衣很好。)?though several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment—including h&m, with its green conscious collection line—cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. [2013 text 1](尽管有些 快速时装消费品公司已经在为抑制对劳动力和环境的影响而努力,比如?h&m?公司推出了 “环保意识时尚”系列,但克莱因认为,只有消费者才能带来持久的改变。) 【常见义】n [c]线条;线
live /laiv/ adj?(音乐表演)现场的:?there is traditional live music played most nights.(大 多数夜晚都有现场音乐表演。)?devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point. [2011 text 1](那些忠实的音乐会观众反驳说现场演 出绝非唱片所能替代, 但是他们没有看到问题的实质。) 【常见义】v [i]活;生存;居住
lobby /5lcbi/ v [i, t]?游说:?lobby for stronger environmental safeguards(为加强环境保护而游 说)?unfortunately, banks??lobbying now seems to be working. [2010 text 4](令人遗憾的是, 银行的游说如今似乎已经产生了作用。)?n [c]?游说团体:?a powerful anti-smoking lobby(声势浩大的反吸烟团体)?that the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? [2005 text 2](还记得他们坚持认为反吸烟游说团体是在破坏我们的生活方式,而 政府应当置身事外的那些年吗?) 【常见义】n [c]门厅,前厅
loom /lu:m/ v [i](问题或困难)逼近,临近:?an economic crisis is looming on the horizon.?(经济危机正在逼近。)?my wife and i lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. [2001 passage 2](我和我的妻子二十年前就对这种即将来临的危险做过演讲。) 【常见义】n [c]织布机
lot /lct/ n [c]?命运(一般用单数形式):?schemes to improve the lot of the disadvantaged?(改善弱势群体命运的方案)?but we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come. [2013 text 3](但是我们目前已经掌握了足够多的知识来减少许多曾威胁过早期人类生存的 风险,以及改善后人的命运。) 【常见义】pron?大量,许多
margin /5mb:dvin/ n [c]?利润:?we?re working to rather tight profit margins.(我们只要求能获得薄 利。)?wholesale demand from the food service sector is growing quickly as more europeans eat out more often. [2010 part b](随着越来越多的欧洲人更加频繁地外出就餐,食品服务业的批 发需求也迅速增长。) 【常见义】n [c]边缘;边界;空白页边
might /mait/ n [u]?力量;威力:?we fear the military might of the enemy.(我们惧怕敌人强大的军 事力量。)?the process sweeps from hyperactive america to europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might. [2001 passage 4](这股浪潮从异常活跃的美国席卷到欧洲, 并以无与伦比的威力波及到新兴国家。) 【常见义】v [aux]可能
model /5mcdl/ v [t]?以某人/某事物作榜样;仿效:the design of the building is modelled on classical greek forms.?(那建筑物的设计是模仿希腊的古典形式。)?what they found, in attempting to model thought, is that the human brain?s roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented—and human perception far more complicated—than previously imagined. [2002 text 2]?(在试图模拟人类思维的过程中,研究人员发现,人脑中约有一千亿个神经细胞远比以前想象的 更聪明,人类的感知方式也远比想象中更复杂。)this impact will not only be through the publications in science itself, but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after science.”?[2015 text 3](这种影响不仅体现在《科学》杂志上发表的论文上,而且有希望影响到更多想要效仿《科学》杂志做法的其他出版机构。) 【常见义】n [c]?模型
modest /5mcdist/ adj?(数量、体积等)不大的,适度的:live on a modest income?(靠不高的收入 生活)consumers seem only mildly concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economy?s long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening. [2004 text 3]?(消费者似乎只是有些担心,还没有恐慌,并且很多人还说就在他们稍稍勒紧腰带 的时候,他们对经济的长远前景还是乐观的。)?politicians have repeatedly?“backloaded”?public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous. [2012 text 4](一些政治家再三“变相地提高”公共部门工 资协议中承诺的薪酬待遇——薪资增长的幅度不大,但增加了假期,尤其是增加了本已非常 丰厚的养老金。) 【常见义】adj?谦逊的;质朴的
monitor /5mcnite(r)/ n [c]?监测器;监视器:?a monitor for radioactivity(放射量探测器)?there will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. [2001 section iv](届时,将会出现由机器人主持的电视访谈节目,及装有 污染监测器的汽车,一旦汽车污染超标,监测器就会使其停驶。) 【常见义】n [c]班长
move /mu:v/ n [c]?措施;行动:?abolishing the tax altogether would be a bold move.(完全废 除该税收将会是一项大胆的举措。)?in a move that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz, the u.s. court of appeals for the federal circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. [2010 text 2](联邦巡回上诉法院宣布将利用某一特定案例, 展开对商业方法专利的广泛复审,这一举措引起了专利律师们的纷纷议论。)?it?s a stunning move. [2012 text 2](安特吉公司的这一举动令人震惊。) 【常见义】v [i]移动;搬迁
movement /5mu:vment/ n [c]?(音)乐章:a symphony in four movements?(一首四乐章的交响曲)it is not by chance that the funeral march is not the last movement of the eroica symphony, but the second, so that suffering does not have the last word. [2014 part c]?(《葬礼进行曲》不是《英雄 交响曲》的最后乐章而是第二乐章,这并非偶然,这样一来,痛苦就不会是最终结局。)?n [cgp, c]?(在政治、社会或艺术等方面持共同见解的)运动:?a movement toward world peace(争取世界和平运动)?when a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. [2000 passage 3]?(当一场新的艺术运动成为某种潮流时,我们应弄清楚其倡导者的目 的所在。因为无论他们的准则现在看来是多么的牵强附会,不合情理,在将来都有可能被视为正 常的事物。)?leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. [2003 text 2](因为生物医学研究依赖于公共资金,而很少有人了解医疗卫生的研究过程,所以动物权 利运动的领导人将矛头指向了生物医学研究。) 【常见义】n [c, u]?移动;运动;活动
name /neim/ v [t]提名某人或指定某人任一职务:she has been named as the new director.?(她已 被任命为新董事。)?within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of hartford financial services group, which named him ceo and chairman on september 29. [2011 text 2]?(在离职还不到两周的时间,他就与哈特福德金融服务集团董事会进行了首次会谈,9?月?29?日,该公司任命他为首席执行官兼董事长。) 【常见义】n [c]?名字;名称
nature /5neitfe/ n [u]?本质,实质;特性:it?s her duty to help them to realize the nature of their problems.( 助他们认识他们问题本质是她的职责。)regrettably, however, the report?s failure to address the true nature of the crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good. [2014 text 4](然而,令人遗憾的是,该报告未能指出文科教育面临的危机的实质,故其带 来的弊大于利。)so it is a bit confusing when vos savant fields such queries from the average joe (whose iq is 100) as, what?s the difference between love and fondness? or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? [2007 text 2](因此,当莎凡回答智商为?100?的普通人提出的诸如“爱与 喜欢有何区别?”或“运气和巧合的本质是什么?”这类问题时,人们不禁感到困惑。 ) 【常见义】n [mass]?大自然,自然界
note /neut/ v [t]?特别提到;指出:?the judge noted that miller had no previous criminal record.?(法官指出米勒没有前科。)?rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like arnold schwarzenegger and garth brooks, yet?“some americans fear that immigrants living within the united states remain somehow immune to the nation?s assimilative power.?”?[2006 text 1](罗德里格斯指出, 全世界偏远山村的孩子们都是像阿 诺·施瓦辛格与加思·布鲁克斯这样的超级巨星的影迷或歌迷, 然而“一些美国人却担心, 居 住在美国境内的许多移民不知为何仍对这个国家的同化有免疫力”。)?he notes that each individual has many ancestors—numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. [2009 text 2]?(他指出每个人都有许多祖先——仅上溯几百年,祖先的数目就可达数百位。) 【常见义】n [c]笔记;摘记?v [t]记下
novel /5ncvl/ adj?新奇的;新颖的;新的:?a novel idea, fashion, design, experience(新的观念、 风尚、设计、经验)?sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be accepted and appreciated. [2012 text 3](有时候,真正新的发现声明需要数年才能被接受和重视。)?he agreed to join because he?“found the foresight behind the establishment of the sbore to be novel, unique and likely to have a lasting impact.[2015 text 3](他之所以同意加入是因为他“看到了成立这个委员会是一种先见之明,它前所未有而又别具一格,很有可能产生深远的影响。) 【常见义】n [c]小说
objective /eb5dvektiv/ n [c]目标;目的:everest is the climbers next objective.(埃佛勒斯峰是这个登山 者的下一个目标。)?in order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. [2005 part c]?为达到 这些目标,我们必须更加关注联合制作、新闻交流、文献服务和培训。 【常见义】adj?客观的
obscure /eb5skjue(r)/ v [t]?使??不分明,使含糊;遮掩,隐藏:?these figures obscure the fact that a lot of older people live in great poverty.(这些数字掩盖了许多老人生活在极度贫困中这一事 实。)?the trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: americans have generally stopped growing. [2008 text 3](然而,体育界的这一趋势或许掩盖了一个不为人知 的事实:美国人的身高总体上已经停止了增长。 )?yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that congress asked it to illuminate. [2014 text 4](然而其报告却没有弄清国会要求其阐明的问题的深度和广度,很可能会阻碍改革的步伐。) 【常见义】adj?黑暗的,光线不足的
observe /eb5z\:v/ v [t]?评论;说:?in his book he observes that the president was an able diplomat.(在 书中他评述说总统是个外交能手。) “their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men?s,”?she observes,?“it?s just that they?re dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.”?[2008 text 1](她指出:“她们承受压力的能 力甚至可能比男性更强,只是她们要处理的事情更多,因此她们的疲态出现得更早、更明显。 ”) 【常见义】v [t]注意,察觉;观察
panel /5panl/ n [c]?评判小组;专业讨论小组:?a panel of judges(评审团)?the latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences, enlisted by the white house, to tell us that the earth?s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. [2005 text 2](最近 的行动是由白宫召集的来自国家科学院的专家组告诉人们,地球气候的确在变暖,而这一问 题在很大程度上是由人类造成的。) 【常见义】n [c]镶板;嵌板;仪表板
parallel /5parelel/ adj?相似的;相同的;对等的:a close parallel to this behaviour is found in dolphins.?(在海豚身上发现了与此极为相似的行为。)on the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. [2007 part c](另一方面,它把这些概念同日常生活联系起来,其 方式与新闻记者每天报道和评论新闻时的做法是一样的。)?a parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating birds. [2010 part c]?(肉食哺乳动物和捕食鱼的鸟类也存在类似的情形。)?n [c, u]极相似的人、情况、事情:a career without parallel in modern times(当代 无匹的业迹)there are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. [2005 text 2]?(就在科学家们前仆后继,试 图使人们意识到全球气候变暖所带来的日益严重的威胁时,类似的令人担忧的情况又出现了。) 【常见义】adj?平行的
physical /5fizikl/ adj?身体的:?the ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.(痛苦的 经历损害了她的身心健康。)?strangely, it has involved little physical change. [2000 passage 2]?(奇怪的是,这一过程几乎没有涉及任何身体上的变化。) 【常见义】adj?物理的;物理学的
plain /plein/ adv [用于强调]?绝对地;简直:?that is just plain stupid.(那简直是愚不可及。)?since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. [2002 text 2](自从拥有创造力 之初,人类已设计出了越来越巧妙的工具,以应付那些危险、乏味、繁重或简直是让人讨厌 的工作。) 【常见义】adj?【常见义】n [c]平原?adj?清楚的;明白的
plant /plb:nt/ n [c]?工厂:?a nuclear / chemical plant(核电厂?/?化工厂)?in 1924 america?s national research council sent two engineers to supervise a series of experiments at a telephone-parts factory called the hawthorne plant near chicago. [2010 section i](1924?年,美 国国家研究委员会派出两名工程师到芝加哥附近的霍桑电话机配件厂指导一系列实验研究。) 【常见义】n [c]植物
policy /5pclesi/ n [c]?保险单:a fire-insurance policy(火灾保险单)with the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now. [2005 text 2]?(风险日渐清晰, 步步逼近,一个谨慎的民族现在应该准备一份保单了。 ) 【常见义】n [c, u]方针;政策
pool /pu:l/ v [t]?(多人或组织)把(钱或其他资金)集中共用:?they entered a contract to pool any gains and invest them profitably.(他们签了一个合同,将赢利集中起来并进行赢利性投资。)?instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with ottawa, and create a national institution. [2005 part b]?(所有省份资源共享,与渥太华合作创建一个国家机构,改变目前 每个省都有各自的获批药物清单、机构、程序以及有限的议价能力的局面。)?curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998 decision in the so-called state street bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. [2010 text 2](对商业方法专利申请 的控制将是联邦巡回法院对该类专利态度的彻底转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院自身在?1998?年所谓“道富银行案”的裁决中引入了这类专利,当时法院批准对某种共同投资资产的管理方 法授予专利。 ) 【常见义】n [c]?水塘;游泳池
pose /peuz/ v [t]?引起;造成;提出:?heavy traffic poses a problem in many old towns.(交通 拥挤是许多老城镇的难题。)?but if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less human supervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for themselves—goals that pose a real challenge. [2002 text 2](但是如果想要机器人达到发挥节约 人力作用的更高阶段,它们必须能在更少的人力监控下进行工作,并且至少具备独立做出一 些决定的能力——这些目标才是真正的挑战。) 【常见义】n [c]姿势;姿态
post /peust/ n [c]职位;工作:he was appointed to the post of general manager.?(他获任命为总 经理。)?in recent weeks the no. 2 executives at avon and american express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a ceo post. [2011 text 2](在最近几个星期,雅芳以及 美国运通公司的二把手们纷纷以期望找到首席执行官的职位为由辞职。)equally unsurprisingly, only about half end up with professorships for which they entered graduate school. there are simply too few posts. [2011 part b]?(同样不足为奇的是,得到博士学位的人中,最 后只有半数的人能够获得他们进入研究生院心有所图的教授职位。职位确实是太少了。) 【常见义】n [u]邮政;邮递?v [t]投递;邮寄
press /pres/ n [u]?报界;新闻界:?the press; were not allowed to attend the trial.(新闻界人士 不得出庭旁听。)?in a significant tightening of legal controls over the press;, lord irvine, the lord chancellor, will introduce a draft bill that will propose making payments to witnesses illegal and will strictly control the amount of publicity that can be given to a case before a trial begins. [2001 section ii](为了大力加强对报界的法律控制,大法官欧文勋爵将提交一份草案,提出 向证人付费将被视为非法,并且严格控制开庭前对案情的公开程度。) 【常见义】n [s]按;压;挤?v [t]?挤压
prime /praim/ n [u]?全盛时期;盛年:?when is a man in his prime?(一个人的盛年在什么时候?)when hoffa?s teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten american government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do. [2012 text 4](1960?年,霍法领导的国际卡车司机 兄弟会正处于全盛时期,当时只有?10%的美国政府员工是工会成员,而现在达到?36%。) 【常见义】adj?主要的;基本的
principal /5prinsepl/ adj?重要的,主要的;首要的:?the danube is one of the principal rivers of europe.?(多瑙河是欧洲的主要河流之一。)?they found that the principal requirement for what is called“global cascades”—the widespread propagation of influence through networks—is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people. [2010 text 3](他们发现,要实现所谓的“全球传播”——社交网络中影响的广泛传播,最关键的条 件不是少数有影响力人士的存在,而是大量易受影响人群的广泛参与。)?the united states is the product of two principal forces—the immigration of european peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. [2015 part c](美国是两种主要力量结合的产物:一个是思想、习俗和民族特征各不相 同的欧洲移民,另一个是这个新国家在融合上述特征之后所带来的影响。) 【常见义】n [c]校长;院长
pursuit /pe5sju:t/ n [c]?职业;事业:?she has time now to follow her various artistic pursuits.(她现在 有时间从事各种艺术活动了。)ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer. [2007 text 1](于是,埃里克森和他的 同事开始研究包括足球运动员在内的各行各业的优秀人才。 ) 【常见义】n [u]追求;寻求
put /put/ v [t]?表达;陈述:i put my objections bluntly.(我直率地表明了我的反对意见。)?as edward zlotkowski, director of community service at bentley college in massachusetts, puts it,?“there has to be coordination of programs. what we need is a package deal.”?[2006 section i](正 如马萨诸塞州本特利学院社区服务部主任爱德华·兹洛特科瓦斯基所说:“各种规划必须协 调进行。我们所需要的是一揽子计划。”)or, put another way, expert performers—whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming—are nearly always made, not born. [2007 text 1]?(或者,换种说法,优秀人才——无论是在记忆方面还是外科手术方面,在芭蕾舞 方面还是计算机编程方面——几乎都是后天培养的,而非天生的。)?adj?固定的;不变的:stay put(留在原处不动)john donahue at harvard?s kennedy school points out that the norms of culture in western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers. [2012 text 4]?(哈佛大学肯尼迪学院的约翰·多纳休指出,西方公务 员制度中的文化模式只适合那些追求安稳、不求上进的人,然而对于那些成绩显著的人来说 是十分不利的。) 【常见义】v [t]放置;使处于
quarter /5kwr:te(r)/ n [c]?(通常用复数)人;人群:?concern has been expressed in some quarters about this policy.(有些人已经表达了对这项政策的关注。)?just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it?s ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. [2005 text 2](就像吸烟问题一样,来自各方的声音仍坚持认为,目前关于全球气候变暖的科学研究还不完善,因此,在我们得以证 实之前,可以继续向大气中排放废气。)n [c]?季度:?our gas bill for last quarter was unusually high.(我们上季度的煤气 费异常高。)?in the third quarter, ceo turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to liberum research. [2011 text 2](利伯伦研 究公司的数据显示,由于忧心忡忡的董事会紧紧依靠着公司现有的领导,第三季度首席执行 官更换率与一年前相比下降了?23%。 ) 【常见义】n [c]四分之一;四等分
question /5kwestfen/ v [t]?(对某事物)表示或感到怀疑:?her sincerity has never been questioned.(她 的诚意从未受到怀疑。)?the coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing japan?s rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs. [2000 passage 4](战后生育高峰期出生的一代人进入成年以及女性进入男性 主宰的就业市场,这些都限制了青少年的发展机遇。这些青少年已经开始质疑,为进所好学 校、找份好工作而攀登日本残酷的社会阶梯所付出的巨大代价,是否真的值得。) 【常见义】n [c]问题
quiet /5kwaiet/ v [i, t]?变安静:?the child wouldn?t quiet down for me.(这孩子不肯为我安静下 来。)?in san francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbidding quiets. [2004 text 3]?(在旧金山,疯狂的高价抢购现象虽然已经平息,房价仍然在上涨。) 【常见义】adj?安静的
raise /reiz/ v [t]?养育:?i was raised by my aunt on a farm.(我是在农场由姨妈抚养大的。)?even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, senior writes that?“the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”[2011 text 4](尽管抚养孩子的日常生活令人心力交瘁,珍妮弗·西 尼尔写道: “正是此时此刻这些令我们心情沮丧的事情,日后才成为幸福和喜悦的来源”。) 【常见义】v [t]举起;升起;抬起
rear /rie(r)/ v [t]?养育;抚养:?it?s a good place to rear young children.(这是个抚养小孩的好 地方。)?it?s no surprise that jennifer senior?s insightful, provocative magazine cover story,?“i love my children, i hate my life,”?is arousing much chatter—nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. [2011 text 4](珍妮弗·西尼尔撰写的见解独到并富于煽动性的杂志封面故事《我 爱我的孩子们,我讨厌我的生活》引起人们纷纷议论,这并不让人觉得意外。) 【常见义】n [s]后面;背后
reason /5ri:zn/ v [i, t]?思考;推断:?he reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.?(他推断,我们要是黎明出发,中午就能到。)?he reasoned that because it is easier to formulate certain concepts and not others in a given language, the speakers of that language think along one track and not along another. [2004 part b](他推理说,在某种特定的语言中,更容易 形成某些特定的概念,所以该语言的使用者便只会顺着一种特有的思路来思考问题。) 【常见义】n [c, u]原因;理由
reflect /ri5flekt/ v [i]?深思,反省:he reflected with sadness on the unhappiness of his marriage.(他 忧伤地反思自己不幸的婚姻。)mcgee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. [2011 text 2]?(麦吉说在没有找到新的工作 之前就辞职,给了他时间思考自己想经营什么样的公司。) 【常见义】v [t]反射;反映
respect /ri5spekt/ n [c]?方面;着眼点:in many respects this is an important decision.(这在许多方面 都是一项重要的决定。)?writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. [2008 part c](在 生命的最后一年里,他在著述中表示,在过去的二三十年间,他的思想在两三个方面发生了 变化。) 【常见义】n [u]?尊敬;敬重
rest /rest/ v [i]?依靠或依赖:that argument rests on a false assumption.(那个论点是基于错误 的前提。)?but the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. [2007 part c]?(但是,新闻记者必须比普通公民更深刻地理 解法律,这种观点是基于对新闻媒体既有惯例和特殊责任的理解。)?v [i]在于,归属于:the final decision rests with the chairperson.(由主席做最后决 定。)?copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal. [2008 text 2]?(论文的版权归期刊出版商所有, 其他想要了解研究成果的研究人员只能订阅该期刊。) 【常见义】n [c, u]休息?v [i]?休息
return /ri5t\:n/ n [c, u]?收益;利润:?the return on the money we invested was very low.(我们 投资获得的收益很低。)?the value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access. [2008 text 2](知识的价值和 公众投资在科研领域中的回报在一定程度上依赖于知识和科研成果的广泛传播和方便获取。) 【常见义】n [c, u]归还?n [s]返回?v [i]返回?v [t]归还
rocket /5rckit/ v [i]?迅速增加;飞涨:?unemployment levels have rocketed to new heights.(失业 率猛然上升到了新的水平。)?the reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low. [2006 text 2](但很明显,(剧院需要补贴的)原因是开支飞速上涨,而票价 则一直较低。 ) 【常见义】?n [c]火箭
row /reu/ n [c]?大声而激烈的争论;吵架:?the continuing row over the government?s defence policy(关于政府防务政策的无休止的争论)?on may 31st microsoft set off the row. [2013 text 2](5?月31?日,微软使这一争论激化。 ) 【常见义】n [c]一排,一行

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