
 2023-11-30 13:21:56  考研全程班多少钱    16

the best lawyer made skyscrapers-full of money,tempting ever more student to pile into law school.最好的律师赚的盆满钵满 这吸引了前所未有的学生们挤进法律学校sit for 参加考试another is to let students...

the best lawyer made skyscrapers-full of money,tempting ever more student to pile into law school.最好的律师赚的盆满钵满 这吸引了前所未有的学生们挤进法律学校sit for 参加考试another is to let students sit for the bar after only two years of the law school.另一个办法是让学生读两年法学系之后就可以参加法考gu

ide-like准则the other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guide-like structure of the business另一个花销那么大的原因是有严格商业结构的原则non-lawyers非律师non-lawyer may not own any share of a law firm非律师不得持有公司股份opponent对手&regulators监管者there is pressure for change from within the profession,but opponents of change among the regulations insist that keeping outsider out of a law firm isolates lawyers from the pressure to make money rather than serve clients ethically行业内部也是有改变的压力的。反对改革的管理者坚持认不然外行入股隔绝了律师赚钱的压力 而不是更好的服务客户
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