
 2023-10-28 09:50:37  考研全程班多少钱    14

原标题:2021考研英语一真题高文文范文—选课进行时 2021考研英语现已结束, 教师及时为同学们收拾了本次考试的真题,先给我们带来的是英语(一)高文文。本次作文标题是...


2021考研英语现已结束, 教师及时为同学们收拾了本次考试的真题,先给我们带来的是英语(一)高文文。本次作文标题是“选课进行时”,跟同学们的学习很靠近,难度大约不算太大,下面是 教师给同学们供给的一篇范文,供我们学习赏识。


write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. in your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.

write your answer neatly on the answer sheet.(20 points)


as is depicted by the picture, a student is selecting courses. he is considering whether to choose the courses which are high scored, easily passed with less homework, or to choose those that contain new knowledge, focus on creating and are difficult to learn. from my perspective, i will choose the latter ones. the reasons are as follows.

the college students are faced with fierce competition in nowadays. those courses which are full of advanced knowledge can broaden our horizon and enrich our knowledge. more over, they pay more attention to creativity so that i can be equipped with novel viewpoints in the future when seeking a job, which can help me become more competitive among the peers. last but not least, to learn those courses which are difficult can give me a sense of accomplishment.

we young people are the hope of our country, and we must study hard to become the future star of our country!





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