
 2023-09-10 06:12:21  考研全程班多少钱    11

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part a
51. directions:
you are to apply for a job to do an internship in abc company. write an application to the department concerned and state your job motivation and your qualifications for the job.
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use “li ming” instead.
do not write the address. (10 points)
dear manager,
i’m a student of 大学名字(不可写真实信息). i’m writing the letter to apply for具体实习职位 you have advertised on the internet.
my true zeal for the relevant field, to begin with, 论点1. moreover, 论点2 . besides, 论点3.
i would be much obliged if you could grant me an interview. i’m looking forward to your favorable reply.
yours faithfully,
li ming

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personal statement个人陈述

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part b
52. directions:
write an essay of 160—200 words based on the followed drawing. in your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and
3) giving your comments.
write your answer neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)

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as is perspicuously illustrated in the picture, 描图句. from where i stand, it is a matter that deserves extra attention.
several factors can be easily found to account for my point, among which i would like to name three most significant ones as follows. first and foremost, 论点1. what’s more, 论点2. last but not the least, 论点3. (that’s why we can by no means omit it.)
to put it in the nutshell, it is high time that we put this topic into perspective (and took combined efforts to solve the problem by both the government and the individuals). bearing this in mind, we can embrace a rosy future.

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environmental contamination(环境污染)
environmental preservation(环境污染)
disposable products(一次性产品)
solid waste(固体垃圾)
plastic bag(塑料袋)
白色污染(white pollution)

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part a
51. directions:
your brother bob is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him which subject he can specialize in. he is very interested in history but he thinks computer science can offer him better job prospects.
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use “li ming” instead.
do not write the address. (10 points)
dear bob,
in reply to your request for..., i have great pleasure to give you some advise about.../ when we last spoke over the phone/when we last chatted on the phone/on the internet, you asked me whether you should specialize in history or in computer science.
by majoring in history/computer, you will... first of all, i know you are especially interested in history, which will ...secondly.../ besides.../ what’s more...(或者建议选择computer science并给出理由)
as your brother, i really wish to see you always enjoy what you do and get on the road to success. hope to hear from you soon with some good news. /i’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
li ming

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promising 有前途的
promising career future
be beneficial to sb. 对某人是有 助的
stimulate one's interest激发兴趣
the passion determines it all热情决定一切
unlock one's potential开阔眼界
make constant efforts不断努力
college diploma 大学文凭
bachelor degree 学士学位
master degree 硕士学位
a degree in history 历史学学位
second degree in... 第二学位
integrate into the society 融入社会
adapt to the society 适应社会
defined career goal 明确的职业目标
realize your personal value 实现你的个人价值
annual income年收入
a substantial salary丰厚的薪水
using computers is just as normal as using ink 使用电脑跟使用墨水一样平常(采用类比的手法,直观说明当今社会人们对电脑的使用频繁)

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part b
52. directions:
write an essay of 160–200 words based on the pictures below. in your essay, you should
1) describe the pictures briefly,
2) interpret the meaning, and
3) give your comments.
write your answer neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)

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as is vividly displayed/shown/depicted in the left cartoon/ picture, a man is... on the right, ...
two/three reasons, as far as i am concerned, can be easily found to account for the phenomenon.../from my personal perspective, the latter is the right/good/positive attitude... firstly,/to start with ... plus, the realization of a dream also requires persistent efforts. countless examples show...to succeed/ to live a better/meaningful life, we should...
from the discussion above, we can reach the conclusion that... /all in all, we can reasonably come to the conclusion that.../in summary...

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啃老族neet group
big baby巨婴
self-centered 自我为中心的
unmotivated 没有动力的
lack focus缺少专注精神
be able to handle pressure in the job应付工作压力
they look just like normal adults, but inside, they’re selfish children .
on the contrary相反
a struggle for survival/life 为生存/生活奋斗
the youth of today 当代青年
youth unemployment青年失业问题
potential 潜力
confront one’s fears克服恐惧心理
confront their problems正视他们的问题
strive for... 为了……而努力/奋斗

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part a
51. directions:
as graduation is approaching, you want to sell a used book/computer to students of lower grades. write a notice to describe the book/ computer.
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. use “ li ming” instead.
do not write the address. (10 points)
i am a student expecting to graduate this summer. i am planning to sell my ××× at a favorable price to anyone interested.
among all the features of the computer, the following three are the most noticeable. first of all, ×××. besides, ×××. last but not the least, ×××.
if you are interested in it, please do not hesitate to contact me at ×××. i will be available during the daytime.
jan.1, 2019 li ming

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favorable 有利的;讨人喜欢的
noticeable 显著的;重要的
hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事
available 可找到的;可联系到的

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part b
52. directions:
write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. in your essay, you should
1) describe the picture briefly,
2) interpret the meaning, and
3) give your comments.
write your answer neatly on the answer sheet. (20 points)

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as is vividly depicted in the picture above, ×××. the topic of the picture is straight-forward but thought-provoking, namely, the phenomenon of ×××.
the causes of the phenomenon in the picture are manifold, and the following ones are especially worth discussion. first and foremost, we may reasonably say that it was the unprecedented prosperity of ××× that made it common for some of us to ×××. moreover, ××× has served as an invisible hand shaping our behaviors and therefore contributed to such a widespread phenomenon. therefore, ××× is thought-provoking and its influence is far-reaching. ×××.
the analysis above may reasonably lead to the conclusion that ×××. we can safely arrive at the conclusion that the topic concerned will remain the focus of our daily discussion, and ×××.

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order take-away 订外卖
home delivery 宅急送
express delivery快递
shopping service 超市代购
door-to-door service 上门服务
keep/stay indoors 足不出户
mobile applications 手机应用软件
thought-provoking 发人深省的
the unprecedented prosperity of... ……的空前繁荣

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part a
47. directions:
suppose you have returned from a trip. during the trip, you were dissatisfied with the local hotel where you stayed. write a letter to the hotel manager to express your dissatisfaction and tell him/her your advice to help them make improvements.
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not use your own name. use “ li ming” instead.
do not write your address. (10 points)

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住宿 accommodation
问讯处 informationdesk
一套房间 suite
单人房间 singleroom
双人房间 doubleroom
单人床 singlebed
双人床 doublebed
成对床 twinbeds
门把 doorknob/door handle
安全钩 safetydoorhook
淋浴莲蓬头 shower nozzle

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dear manager of xxx hotel,
i had a terrible stay in room xxx of your hotel. i amwritingtoexpressmydissatisfactionwith ... (bad services that you offered ). (概述投诉的内容)
some of the services that you offered greatly disappointed me. in the first place, i am completely upset to find... . in addition, ... . what’s more, ... . (分条详述投诉内容及建议)
i do hope those problems will be solved as soon as possible. thank you for your consideration and i look forward to a favorable reply. (提出要求)
part b
48. directions:
write an essay based on the chart below. in your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments.
you should write about 150 words on the an swer sheet. ( 15 points )

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硕士研究生入学考试the national entrance examination for postgraduate(简称neep)
柱状图 bar chart
上升 go up
平稳上升has risen steadily
越来越多的人 people in growing numbers
就业压力 employment pressure
继续深造学习 further one’s study

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the bar chart above clearly illustrates the data of... from... to... as is shown in the chart, the number of... increased dramatically from... to... during the ... years. (概述)
from the chart,we can see clearly that ... in the 4 years spanning from 2016 through 2019. this tendency is ... the figures in the chart reflect that...(分析趋势及发生变化的原因)
to sum up, ... . (总结)
47. directions:
write a letter to your university canteen, making suggestions
for improving its service.
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not use your own name. use “ li ming” instead.
do not write your address. (10 points)
to whom it may concern,
i am a student of our university. i’m writing this letter to show my suggestions for...
it is heartbreaking to see that the food and service there is deteriorating. to address the problem, th

e university, at the first place, is responsible for... moreover,... last but not the least, it is high time that the canteen organized various activities on a regular basis to improve the status quo.
thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to read my letter. i’m eager to witness a solution of the problem without delay.
yours sincerely,
li ming

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是……的时候了it is high time that...
现状status quo
渴望、热切做某事be eager to do.../be eager for...

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48. directions:
write an essay based on the chart below. in your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments.
you should write about 150 words on the an swer sheet. ( 15 points )

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it can be read from the pie chart that ... annual cross-border e-commerce transaction volumes... during the span of six years from 2012 to 2017. in 2012, it is more than 2.1 trillion rmb, while the number reached 6.7 trillion in 2016. until to the first half of 2017, the number... 3.6 trillion rmb. it is expected that the figure will grow up in the second half of 2017.
from where i stand, many factors can be found to account for the great increasing number among which i would like to name ... most significant ones as follows. first of all, the rapid develop economy is the important cause and it is possible for more and more people to... . moreover, the improvement of our living standards let people to have access to... . still, the internet technology is becoming increasingly mature. we think it is safe and convenient to do cross-border business on the internet. it saves much time! that is why ...
from the previous discussion we can safely say that the booming of ... absolutely contributes to the development economy and it will... in the long run. bearing the previous discussion in mind, let’s get prepared to embrace this tendency.

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电子商务 e-commerce
交易量 transaction volume
远距离 far distance
方便的 convenient
万亿 trillion
消费者 consumer
网络 network
当天发货 same-day-delivery
而且,此外 moreover

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