
 2022-10-11 21:39:31  考研全程班多少钱    12

19. [D] recognizes 20. [B] poor   Section II Reading Comprehension   Part A Text 1 21. [A] maintaining their plastic items 22. [C] inherently flawed 23. [D] prevent them from further damage...

19. [D] recognizes

20. [B] poor

  Section II Reading Comprehension

  Part A

Text 1

21. [A] maintaining their plastic items

22. [C] inherently flawed

23. [D] prevent them from further damage

24. [D] challenging

25. [B] has profound historical significance

Text 2

26. [C] Reassess the necessity of college education

27. [B] the shrinking value of degree

28. [C] employers are taking a realistic attitude to degrees

29. [D] further their studies in the specified field

30. [A] Lifelong learning will define them.

Text 3

31. [B] received favorable responses

32. [A] art can offer audiences easy access to science

33. [A] their role may be underestimated

34. [B] it exemplified the value of art-science alliances.

35. [C] should do more than co妹妹unicating science

Text 4

36. [D] protect the rights of ordinary workers

37. [A] hinder business development

38. [D] Dismissing poorly performing managers.

39. [B] Employees suffer salary cut.

40. [D] is difficult to put into practice

  Part B

41. [F] Zoos should have been closed down as they prioritize money makingover animals' wellbeing.


. [C] While animals in captivity deserve sympathy, zoos play asignificant role in starting young people down the path of related sciences.

43. [A] Zoos, which spare no effort to take care of animals, should not besubjected to unfair criticism.

44. [D] Zoos save people trips to wilderness areas and thus contribute towildlife conservation.

45. [G] Marris distorts our findings, which actually prove that zoos serveas an indispensable link between man and nature.

  Part C

46. 这场斗争也是一场编写暗码者和破译暗码者之间开展的战役(1分),可是,这一点乃至对那些熟知这一时代汗青的人们来讲都是未知的(1分)。

47. 这本书的附录中列出了从西班牙的法军那边缉获的很多暗码文件(1分),这些文件的机密由英国总部的一名军官乔治·斯科维尔(GeorgeScovell)揭穿了出来(1分)。


49. 在拿破仑战役时代,或许存在不少的特务和谍报官员(1分),但凡是难以找到他们现实供给或破译的谍报资料(1分)。

50. 正如破解暗码对付西班牙之战更加首要(1分),斯科维尔加官进爵的测验考试也将英国社会形态@表%P44pQ%现得极%BXOOy%尽%BXOOy%描%BXOOy%摹@(1分)。

  Section III Writing

  Part A



1) 首段包括自我先容和写信目标句,明白信件类型。(各占1分,共2分)

2) 第二段必要明白交接勾当时候,地址;勾当放置或目标意义;约请对方加入的目标或等待。(各占2分,共6分)

3) 第三段需包括再次夸大写信目标,表达等待到来或回信。(各占1分,共2分)

4) 注重,信件格局,格局犯错扣两分。格局包括称号,竣事语和签名。

5) 范文不是独一谜底,只需内容思绪一致便可。

6) 单词拼写毛病,每2个错别字扣0.5分。

  Part B

52. 高文文得分要点请求以下:

1) 首段必要简略描写丹青内容,总起一句话引出1分,情况描述1分,两个女孩的描写各自2分(共6分)

2) 中心段必要具体论述丹青意义,总起主题句 1分,摆究竟论述外因2分,论述益处2分,举例论证2分,背面论证2分(共10分)

3) 尾段必要总结建议,总起承先启后句1分,两条建议句2分,预测句1分。(共4分)

4) 范文不是独一谜底,只需内容思绪一致便可。

5) 单词拼写毛病,每2个错别字扣0.5分。

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