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原标题:考研试题真的泄露了么?看教育部如何回应 the ministry of education denied on tuesday that math questions for the postgraduate studies entrance exam had b...

原标题:考研试题真的泄露了么?看教育部如何回应 the ministry of education denied on tuesday that math questions for the postgraduate studies entrance exam had been leaked online. 教育部周二否认了关于考研数学试题的泄露事件。 netizens raised the alarm when it appeared that several questions shown by a teacher during video recordings of a training course were similar to those on the math test, with only some figures having been changed. 网民们发现一名教师在一段辅导视频中列出了几道除数据之外与考试真题相似程度极高的试题。 the incident was the hottest topic on sina weibo on tuesday, generating millions of comments and forwards. 这一事件成为新浪微博周四的最热门事件,引起了数百万的评论和转发。 more than 2 million people registered for this year’s postgraduate exams, which took place over the weekend. 据统计今年有超过200万人参加了上周末的研究生入学考试。 the ministry said it launched an investigation immediately after reports of the leak and ordered exam center to check the video footage, screenshots and pdf materials. 政府部门在试题泄露事件报道之后立马发起调查,命令考试中心检查录像、截屏以及其他可移植文件格式材料。 the authority said experts confirmed that the questions in the videos were different from those in the postgraduate math test. 官方宣称经专家确认,视频中的题目和研究生数学考试中的题目并不相同。 an official with the ministry’s exam center said any interference in the national exam would be dealt with seriously. 教育部考试中心的官员称,任何干扰国家研究生考试的行为都会遭到严肃处理。 four videos, each lasting about 40 minutes, show teacher li lin giving a lecture on advanced math to students in a classroom with the logo for training website zhongshikaoyan. 四个视频每节约40分钟,视频中显示教师李林在一间教室里给学生进行高等数学的讲解,视频里还带有培训网站中试考研的标志。 according to an introduction on the website, li is a veteran educator who helps prepare students for the postgraduate exam. he also teaches at dalian university of technology. 据网上介绍,李林是一名经验丰富辅导学生备战考研的教育工作者,同时也是大连理工大学的老师。 i’ve been giving math lectures for postgraduate entrance exams since 2005, li said on sina weibo. "although the ministry of education and the university have issued regulations prohibiting such activities, i still took my chance to give lectures without permission. “我从2005年开始辅导研究生考试的数学科目”李林在新浪微博里说道,“虽然教育部和学校早已明文禁止,但仍抱有侥幸心理,私自外出授课。” i’m so sorry for the negative effect this has had on the university, he said. 他说他很抱歉给学校带来负面的影响。 li’s videos have been deleted from the training

website. 李林的教学视频已经从培训网站上删除了 china’s postgraduate exams have been plagued by scandals in recent years. in december 2016, a man in jiangsu province was caught selling the answer sheets, causing an uproar. 中国的研究生考试近年来丑闻倍出。在2016年12月,江苏省一男子因为卖答案被抓,引起轩然大波。 from: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/cailiao/2017-12-31/486457.html返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑:
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