
 2024-01-10 01:52:43  考研全封闭辅导班    5

??新年快到了,我们现已预备回家春节了吗? are you getting ready for the lunar new year? 我国人很注重好预兆,吃年糕可以说是春节时必吃的食物,期望可认为自个带来好命运。 chinese like “good luck”?...


are you getting ready for the lunar

new year?


chinese like “good luck”?and “good fortune”?for the coming year, therefore, eating “nian gao”?(rice cakes) is almost a must during chinese new year.

年糕在中文的发音里意味着年年高升, 在职的“升官发财”,成人是“快高长大”。

the pronunciation of niangao sounds like 'year high' (年高), and it has a symbolic meaning for having better fortune, better opportunity, higher job position for people who are working or doing businesses, and growth of children. ?hence, people like eating rice cakes at the spring festival.


each place has its own ritual, and people will eat some speciality during this festive season. ?let’s learn about it.

steamed buns 包子


猪肉包子?pork steamed buns

鸡肉包子?chicken steamed buns

红豆包子 red bean paste steamed buns

莲蓉包子 lotus paste steamed buns

dumpling 饺子


素菜饺子 vegetable dumplings

菌类饺子 mushroom dumplings


sweet dumplings汤圆


姜姆茶汤圆 sweet dumplings with ginger tea


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