
 2023-09-29 07:09:46  考研全封闭辅导班    6

????????????????????????1、why did you fail in this course?(这门科目不及格的原因是什么?)2、what will you do if you faile d this time?(如果这次失败了你会怎么做?)3、what are your great weaknesses??(最大的缺...

????????????????????????1、why did you fail in this course?(这门科目不及格的原因是什么?)2、what will you do if you faile

d this time?(如果这次失败了你会怎么做?)3、what are your great weaknesses??(最大的缺点)4、what are your great advantages?(优点)5、introduce your reason for preparing?the postgraduate exam (考研原因)6、why do you choose to study in our university?(选择本校的原因)7、what would?you?like to do in five years after graduation?(毕业后规划)????????????????????????挂科、考研失败、优缺点等7个刁钻问题,根据自己的实际情况简单修改就行??有的院校已经复试了,更多院校都发了通知,3月中下旬开始复试,抓紧时间准备哦~?最后提醒大家,不要害怕开口,不要害怕错误??多说多练多模仿,坚持下去,一定会有所提升的??如果对你??用,欢迎?????~[飞吻r][飞吻r]
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