
 2023-07-05 09:06:47  考研全封闭培训    17

英语的学习,单词从来都是重头戏 考研英语更是如此 考研英语考试大纲要求考生掌握5500个词汇 事实上,还不止这些 单词看不懂,文章基本是不懂 文章不懂,要做对题目几乎是天方夜谭了 为此,从决定考研的那一...









1.elaborate [??l?b?r?t]【词频:4次】??

adj.复杂的;详尽的;精心制作的? v.详尽阐述;精心制作??【词根记忆】e=out;labor=make,do;因此这个词表示“很辛苦地做出来的”,即“精心制作”??

【短语搭配】elaborate designs 精心的设计??to elaborate her argument 详尽阐述了她的论点??

【真题例句】russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads,while italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would see mold-fashioned to most english-speakers.(2005text4)??俄罗斯人深爱自己的语言,他们的脑海中深印着大段大段的诗歌;而意大利的政客们则往往精心准备演讲,尽管这在大多数讲英语的人们看来已经过时了。?


v.急升;猛增;高飞(音乐)升高,增强??【词根记忆】soar=so+air.something is in the air高飞??

【短语搭配】soaring costs/prices/temperatures猛增的成本;飞涨的物价;骤升的温度??

【真题例句】they’re all groaning about soaring health budgets,the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs.(2005新题型)??他们都因医疗预算的飞涨而感到苦不堪言,其中增长最快的部分是药品费用。?



【短语搭配】a committee member 委员会的委员??

【真题例句】both the romanow commission and the kirby committee on healthcare—to say nothing of reports from other experts—recommended the creation of anational drugagency.(2005新题型)??且不说其他许多专家提出的报告,罗马诺医疗委员会和科尔比医疗委员会就建议设立一个国家药物机构。?



【词根记忆】ag=to do做;encyn.=the quality or state of表性质或状态→“the ability or place of doing business办事的能力或场所??

【短语搭配】the central intelligence agency(cia)(美国)中央情报局??

【真题例句】quebec’s resistance to a national agency is provincialist ideology.(2005新题型)魁北克反对成立国家代理机构是出于地方保护主义的意识形态。?




【短语搭配】unnecessary/excessive bureaucracy不必要的官僚式繁文缛节;过分的官僚作风??

【真题例句】instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs,bureaucracy,procedures and limited bargaining power,all would pool resources,work with ottawa,and creat a national institution(2005新题型)??一改每个省份都有各自的获批药物清单、机构、程序和有限议价能力的局面,所有省份集中资源,与渥太华合作,创建一个全国性的机构。?



【短语搭配】pool their ideas 交流他们的心得

【真题例句】curbson business-methodclaims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal circuit itself that introducedsuch patentswith its 1998 decision in the so-called state street bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets..(2010text2)??对商业方法专利申请的限制将会是一个戏剧性的完全转变,因为正是巡回法院自己在1998年所谓的道富银行案的判决中引入此类专利,批准了一个汇集共同基金资产方面的专利。?7.combine[k?m?ba?n]【词频:14次】?

?v.兼备;使融合(或并存)? n.集团;联合企业【词根记忆】com,共同bine,二,词源同two,binary,即二者合一的??

【短语搭配】the combined efforts通力合作??combine (sth) (with sth)/combine a and b(使)结合,组合,联合,混合??

【真题例句】“national”could mean inter provincial—provinces combining efforts to create one body.(2005新题型)??“国家”也可意味着各省之间,即各省联合起来创建的机构。?8.manufacturer[?m?nju?f?kt??r?(r)]【词频4次】

n.生产者;制造者;生产商【词根记忆】manufacturer v.制造人即制造商??

【短语搭配】a car/computer manufacturer 汽车/计算机制造商??

【真题例句】either way one benefit of a“national”organization would be to negotiate better prices,if possible,with drug manufacturers.(2005新题型)??不管是何种含义,如果可能的话,“国家”级机构的好处之一就是能够通过谈判从医药生产商那里获得更优惠的价格。?9.coordinate[k??'?:d?ne?t]【词频:7次】?

?v.使协调;使相配合? n.坐标;(pl.)(颜色协调的)配套服装,套装


【短语搭配】a coordinatedapproach协调一致的办法??

【真题例句】a small step has been taken in the direction of anational agency with the creation of the canadian coordinating office for health technology assessment,funded by ottawa and the provinces.(2005新题型)??由渥太华和其他各省出资成立了加拿大医疗技术评估联合协作办公室,这意味着向成立国家机构迈进了一小步。?

10.recommend[?rek??mend]【词频:17次】??v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议【短语搭配】recommend the book推荐这本书??

【真题例句】underit,a common drug review recommends to provincial lists which new drugs should be included.(2005新题型)??这个办公室下设的公共药物评估机构向各省推荐应该在清单上增加的新药。?

11.quote[kw??t]【词频:11次】v. 引用;引述;举例说明;开价;出价

【短语搭配】to quote shakespeare 引用莎士比亚的话

【真题例句】premiers love to quote mr.romanow’s report selectively,especially the parts about more federal money.(2005 新题型)省长们喜欢有选择地引用罗马诺先生的报告,特别是有关联邦政府提供更多资金的部分。

12.assemble [??sembl]【词频:4次】

v. 聚集;集合;装配;组装


【短语搭配】to assemble evidence/data 收集证据/数据

【真题例句】now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis,you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.(2008 新题型)既然你已经把一个话题发展成了初步的论题,你就可以整理你的笔记,开始充实你已经拟好的无论什么提纲。


n. 乐观;乐观主义


【短语搭配】optimism about/for the future 对未来的乐观

【真题例句】history and news become confused,and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism.(2005 翻译)历史事件和新闻发生混淆,人们对于大众媒体的感受往往是怀疑和乐观情绪的结合。


v. 接待;服务;对……有用;能满足……的需要(为……)工作,服务,履行义务,尽职责

【短语搭配】it serves

sb’right(for doing sth)罪有应得

【真题例句】television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed — and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in europe.(2005 翻译)电视是引发和传递这些感受的手段之一——在欧洲近来发生的事务中,它把不同的民族和国家连在一起,其作用之大,前所未有。


n. 人;人们;人民,国民;民族;种族v. 居住在;把……挤满人;住满居民


【短语搭配】the life of the common people 普通人的生活

【真题例句】the europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples,their cultures and national identities.(2005 翻译)欧洲现在正在形成的正是它的民族及各族的文化和国家品牌。

16.publish [?p?bl??]【词频:45次】

v. 出版;发行;(在互联网上)发表,公布

【词根记忆】来自拉丁语publicare,使公开化,使公众化,-ish,动词后缀,引申词义出版,发行等【短语搭配】publishing houses 出版社

【真题例句】in europe,as elsewhere,multi-media groups have been increasingly successful:groups which bring together television,radio

newspapers,magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.(2005 翻译)在欧洲,像在其他地方一样,传媒集团越来越成功:这些集团将相互相关的电视、广播、报纸、杂志和出版社组合在一起。


v. 在(词语等下)画线;画底线标出;强调;突现

【词根记忆】under在……之下+line线=画底线标出【短语搭配】underline the importance 强调重要性

【真题例句】this alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in,a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty european television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.(2005 翻译)这一点就足以表明,要在电视行业里生存下来并非易事,统计数字尤其说明了这一事实,在80家欧洲电视网中,多达一半在1989年亏损。

?18.integration [??nt??gre??n]【词频:12次】

n. 结合;整合;一体化;(不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的)混合,融合

【词根记忆】integrate v. 整合+-ion名词后缀

【短语搭配】to promote closer economic integration进一步促进经济一体化

【真题例句】moreover,the integration of the european community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.(2005 翻译)另外,欧共体的形成将迫使电视公司在制作和发行方面更密切地合作。


v. (以法律、义务等)强迫,迫使;(根据要求或需要)帮忙,效劳


【短语搭配】sb feel obliged to do感到不得不……

【真题例句】we are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished,as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.(2004 翻译)我们感激他们,是因为在此之后,这些语言中有些已经消失了,这是由于说这些语言的部族灭绝了,或是被同化而丧失了本族语言。


n. 身份;本身;特征;特有的感觉(或信仰);一致


【短语搭配】a sense of national/cultural/personal/group identity 民族/文化/个人/群体特性的认同感the corporate identity of the company加强公司的企业形象的计划

【真题例句】creating a “european identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.(2005 翻译)不同的文化和传统把欧洲大陆编织成一体,要创造出一种尊重这些不同文化和传统的“欧洲品牌”绝非易事,需要人们做出战略性的选择。



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