
 2023-06-18 19:06:53  考研全封闭培训    15

三. 末段(总结+ 主张+展望) 第三段有必要写总结,主张和展望两句话根据情况抉择。 1. 总结(有必要写) (1)taking intoaccount what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that thisestablished tren...

三. 末段(总结+ 主张+展望)

1. 总结(有必要写)
(1)taking intoaccount what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that thisestablished trend is positive and therefore acceptable.
(2)taking theabove mentioned into consideration, i reckon +思考到上面说到的内容,我认为+
①that we have discovered essential factorsbehind this issue/phenomenon.咱们发现了这个表象不和的重要缘由。
②that reasonable analysis has been made toform a clear understanding of this phenomenon合理的分析协助咱们理解的了解了这个表象。
(3)in a word, wehave reached a profound understanding of this phenomenon/fact/issue/matter.言而总之,咱们现已深化的了解了这个表象或许实际或许作业。
(4)all in all,after a detailed analysis, profound reasons behind this phenomenon aredetermined.
2. 主张(根据情况)
①in light of/in terms of the problem/phenomenonrevealed by the statistics, 政府/媒体 shouldshoulder the responsibility to dosth,
②i reckon it is prime/high time that 学校/自个 should do sth
留心:这儿的do sth与上面的缘由有联络。例如:
3. 展望(适合就用,不适合就不要用了)
in a word, although it`s easier said than done, we can make it with perseverance/our longstanding effort and stamina.
as long as we cancapitalize its strength and dodge its adverse aspects, we can definitelybenefit remarkably from it.
if we can take immediateaction as the above

mentioned, this undesirable phenomenon can surely beeliminated sooner or later.

往期回想 2021年12月英语四级作文范文:尽力与成功

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