
 2024-02-28 13:54:29  考研全程辅导    6

2019年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)答案解析 ? 注意:英语试卷为花卷,以答案内容进行核对 section i use of en glish1.?c] few. 此题考察上下文语境以及词义辨析。 文章的第一句不设空格原则,以及首段首句要...

section i use of en

glish1.?c] few. 此题考察上下文语境以及词义辨析。
文章的第一句不设空格原则,以及首段首句要精读,可知文章围绕我们生活在一个 gps 系统,数字地图和其他导航 app 都可以在智能手机上实现的世界中,空格所在句意思是:______我们径直走进一个森林而没有携带手机。本句中 without 和选项 few 构成双重否定,在这样一个移动互联网时代,我们不可能进入森林而不带手机,符合文意。
2.?[c] run. 此题考察动词与介词的搭配。
run on batteries 意思是手机依靠电池来运行。
其他选项:put on 穿上;take on 承担;come on 快点;带入原文,语义不通。
3.?[b] if. ? 此题考察逻辑关系。
空格处引导一个状语从句,根据句意:_____ 你没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,____找不到北,有一些技巧可以将带回城市。此处为一种假设,填入 b 选项,if 较为符合。
4.?[d]literally. 此题考察词义辨析。
literally 意思为确实地,真正地,带入原文,如果你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,确实找不到北,那么你需要一些技巧将你带回城市。
5.?[a]back. 此题考察上下文语境以及词义辨析。
第 3,4,5 题涉及一句话需要填写 3 个空格,第 5 题根据语境,应是一些技巧可以将你带回城市。所以选 back。
6.?[b]off. 此题考察介词和上下文语境。
当你已经____路径,但不是一个完全____区域,你必须回答两个问题:在这个特殊地带,哪里才是下坡路?根据 but 转折,可知此空格出选 off,当你偏离原来的路径时,但又不是进入一个完全陌生的区域。
7.?[d]unfamiliar. 此题考察词汇辨析。
空格所在句以 but 开头,填入的选项必须与前面形成转折关系,只有 unfamiliar 符合语境。
8.?[c]way. 此题考察上下文语境以及词汇辨析。
你需要回答两个问题:在这个特殊地带,_____是下坡路?哪里是最近的水源?c 选项 way 带入,意为那条路是下坡路?符合语境。
9.?[a]so. 此题考察逻辑关系。
空格处,表示前后逻辑关系;生活在山谷中的人,必须依赖淡水。____ 如果你向着山下走去,并且顺着任何你可以找到的 h2o,你_____就可以看到人间烟火。
此处根据逻辑关系,选 so,符合语义。
10.?[d]eventually. 此题考察词汇辨析。
根据第 9 题分析,此处选 eventually,你最终可以看到人间烟火。
11.?[a]surprised. 此题考察词汇基本含义。
志明显地岩石或树木,以此来找到你所在地方位。根据上下文语境,选择正向词汇 surprised。
12.?[b]option. 此题考察词汇辨析。
another 词为标志词,可知承上文 keep an eye out for familiar sights 出现另外一个____: 爬到高处,寻找人类生存的标志。可知此处选 option。
13.?[d]for example. 此题考察逻辑关系。
前后 look for 和?spot 同义替换,signs 和 gaps 为上下义词,表示总分关系,所以选择 for example。
其他选项:above all,最为重要的;in contrast,相比之下;on average,平均来看;带入文中,语义不通。
14.?[c]spot. 此题考察同义替换。
根据第 13 题中出现的总分关系,即举例关系。look for 与选项中 spot 为语意复现,spot 为正确答案。其他选项:bridge,弥合,消除;avoid,避免;separate,分离;带入原文,语义不通。
15.?[b]through. 此题考察动词与介词的搭配。
根据语境,people carve ____ the woods 作为定语从句来修饰前面的 other paths,carve 与 through 搭配,意为人们在丛林中开辟出的其他道路。
16.?[d]breaks. 此题考察代词指代和同义替换。
在空格前,有标志词 these,根据语境,these _____,指代上文的 roads,train tracks,and other paths,即是 gaps。四个选项跟 gaps 语义相近的是 breaks。
17.?[a]artificial. 此题考察上下文语境和词汇辨析。
根据句中,such as fires and streetlights,可知第 17 题所填形容词要具备 fires 和 streetlights 的特点,以及前文中 look for sighs of human habitation,可知此处填 artificial。其他选项:mysterious,神秘的;hidden,隐蔽的;limited,限制的;带入文中,语义不通。
18.?[d]finally. 此题考察逻辑关系。此空格位于段落句首,表示上下文逻辑关系,空格后意为:假设你迷失在人类经常出没的地区,与上文的 if 形成对应,此处只能用 finally 表示顺接。
19.?[b]marks. 此题考察语义复现和词汇辨析。
空格处需要一个名词,其后 we leave on the landscape 作为定语从句来修饰它,跟上文中的 signs 形成语义复现,选 marks 符合语意,假设你迷失在人类经常出没的地区,寻找我们留在地上的一些标志。其他选项:memories,记忆;notes,笔记;belongings,财物;带入文中,语义不符。
20.?[c]lead. 此题考察词组搭配和上下文语境。
根据本文中心,通过标志,标记返回城市。可知,这里的 trail blazes,tire tracks 可以引导,带领你返回城市。选择?lead to。其他选项:restrict,限制;adopt,采纳;expose,暴露;带入文中,语义不符。
section ii reading comprehension
part a
text 121.【答案】a ?enhance bankers’ sense of responsibility
 【解析】事实细节题。根据题干中 one motive in imposing the new rule 定位到第一段第三句 the main purpose of this“clawback”rule is,is 后面为答案所在,hold bankers accountable for harmful risk-taking and
to restore public trust in financial institution,?让银行家为不良风气负责并恢复工作对金融机构的信任,对比四个选项, 只有 a 选项 enhance bankers’ sense of responsibility,增强银行的责任感与之匹配,故为正确答案。
22.【答案】d short-termism” in economic activities
 ?【解析】例证题。根据题干 alfred marshall is quoted to 可知该题为例证题,提问的是引用 alfred
marshal 的目的,找到文中 alfred marshal 在第二段第二句,则其论证的观点为该段首句,首句提到
“short-termism… has worsened…”故答案选择 d 选项short-termism” in economic activities 经济活动中的短期主义
23.【答案】b ?adverse
 ?【解析】事实细节题。根据题干中的关键词 transient investment 定位到第三段第二句 transient
investors, …, can hinder a firm’s efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty, 短暂投资会阻碍公司的长期规划,并影响用户的忠诚度。?b 选项中的 adverse 不利的对应原文 hinder,故为正确答案。
24.【答案】c the approaches to promoting “long-termism”
 ?【解析】例证题。根据题干中的关键词 the us and france examples are used to illustrate 可判断此题为例证题,美国的例子在第五段首,段首例子往下段首找论点,第六段开头 much more could be done to encourage “long-termism” 说明上段美国例子是为了说明鼓励长期主义的举措的,故正确答案应该选 c the approaches to promoting “long-termism” 提升长期主义的方法。?同时,法国的例子在第六段第二句,段中的例子观点在例子前,故此例要证明的依然是六段首句的 much more could be done to encourage “longtermism, 再次验证答案为 c 选项。
25.【答案】b patience as a corporate virtue ?
【解析】主旨题??根据题干关键词 best title 可确定此题为主旨题,纵观全文,文章围绕着西方国家的 “短期主义”投资和“长期主义”投资展开。第一段由金融管理者制定的一项限制高管津贴措施引出全文中心主题,促进金融投资的“长期主义”规划;第二段介绍了目前英国银行高管中“短期主义”投资占主流;第三段指出“短期主义”投资的弊端,第四段主要介绍美国现阶段仍然通过技术手段使得“短期主义”投资愈发盛行;第六段举例点明美法两国为促进“短期主义”投资所采取的措施;文章结尾再次呼应首段,点明美国新政提醒银行家注重“长期主义”投资。选项 b 中 patience 对应文章中反复出现的主题词 short-termism 和 long- termism,?corporate 本身在文章中就多次出现,故为最佳标题。
text 226.【答案】[d] ?the influence of consumer culture
 ?【解析】?细节题。根据题目信息词“commonly”定位到首段第一句“grade inflation is often
considered a product of a consumer era in higher education students are treated like customers to be pleased”。即高校成绩膨胀问题通常被认为是消费者至上时代的产物。结合以上信息,得出正确答案选择 d。
27.【答案】[a] ?to help freshmen adapt to college learning
【解析】?细节题。根据题目定位到第 3 段第 2 句:when this practice first started decades ago, it was usually limited to freshmen。而不定式短语?to give them a second chance…if they struggled in their transition
to college-level courses 为目的,即如果大一新生在过渡中有问题的话,再给他们一次机会,故选 a: 助大一新生适应大学学习。
28.?【答案】[a] ?obtain more financial support
  【解析】事实细节题。根据题干定位至第五段第一句话。通过第一句话可以看出,“grade forgiveness”满足了大学自己的需要,而具体的需要在第二句中体现,意思为:“对于大学来说,国家的资助有时候跟一些因素有关,因此好的分数意味着钱。”这与选项 a“获得更多的经济支持”匹配,因此正确答案选 a.
29.?【答案】[c] ?to be identical with each other
【解析】猜词题。根据题干定位至第 6 段最后一句 on this, students’ and colleges’ incentives seem to be aligned。this 指代上文提到的 since students and parents expect a college degree to lead to a job, it is in the best interest of a school to turn out graduates who are as qualified as possible—or at least appear to be(由于学生和
家长希望通过大学学历找工作,因此符合学校最佳利益的便是尽可能地证明学生的能力---或者说至少看起来如此),由此可知学生和学校有着共同的利益目标,进一步印证 c 为正确答案。
30.?【答案】[b] ?analyzing the causes behind it
段落大意句,可知作者的论述角度:第一段第一句 grade inflation…is often considered a product of a consumer era ... 以及第二句 but another, related force is helping raise gpas 都在谈及背后的原因。第五段第一句突出了 grade forgiveness 能够满足大学自身的需求,这也是分析 grade forgiveness 的原因,因此可知正确答案为 b 选项。
text 331.?【答案】[c] involves some concerns raised by ai today.
【分析】细节题。根据题干中的 mary shelley’s novel frankenstein 定位于第一段第二句,根据“the author produced a remarkable work of speculative fiction that would foreshadow many ethical questions to be raised by technologies yet to come.”语义内容,说明 frankenstein 这本小说反映了由于技术发展所引发的道德问题。其中,concerns = ethical questions; technologies=ai.
32.?【答案】[d]. is too limited for us to reproduce it.
【分析】细节题。根据题干关键词 david eagleman’s opinion 定位于第四段后半句“we are just in a situation where there are no good theories explaining what consciousness actually is and how you could ever build a machine to get there.” 其中,there are no good theories = is too limited. build a machine to get there = reproduce it 完美同义替换。?
33.?【答案】[b]. is still beyond our capacity
【分析】细节题。根据题干关键词 ethical issues brought by autonomous vehicles 定位于第五段最后两句,
“and to anticipate every imaginable driving situation is a difficult programming problem.” 定位句中,beyond our capacity = a difficult programming problem.
34.?【答案】[a]. affirmation
【分析】态度题。根据题干关键词 google’s pledges 出现在第七段,但是作者对其的态度出现在第八段首
句,“while the statement is vague, it represents one starting point. so does the idea that decisions made by ai systems should be explainable, transparent, and fair.” 可以看出作者 google 观点持支持肯定态度。?
35.?【答案】[c]. the conscience of ai: complex but inevitable
?????【分析】主旨题。本文主要探讨技术问题所引发的道德问题,本文反复出现的词为 ai,ethical problems, conscience. 根据主题词原则,因此最佳标题为 c.
text 436.【答案】c make more online shoppers pay sales tax
??【解析】?细节题,根据题干关键词“the supreme court decision thursday”定位到首段“states will be able to force more people to pay sales tax when they make online purchases under a supreme court decision
可以得出选项 c 为正确选项,c 中的 more online shoppers 同义替换原文中的 more people...when they make
online purchases。
37.【答案】d were considers unfavorable by states
【解析】细节题,根据题干关键词“overruled decisions”定位到第二段的第一句。第一句“the
supreme court’s opinion thursday overruled a pair of decades-old decisions that states said cost them billions of
dollars in lost revenue annually”,由该句得知:州政府抱怨以前的政策使他们每年损失惨重。由此快速得
出答案 d were considers unfavorable by states 州政府认为原政策对州不利。
38.【答案】c harmed fair market competition
【解析】?细节题,根据题干关键词“anthony kenedy”定位到第四段,再根据“physical presence rule”
定位到第四段的第二三句。第二句“each year the physical presence rule becomes further removed from economic reality and results in significant revenue losses to the states”实体店规定越来越脱离经济的实际情况,而且每年导致州政府税收的巨大损失,第三句“limited state’ ability to seek long-term prosperity and has prevented market participants from competing on an even playing field”限制了州政府的长期繁荣,妨碍了市场参与者公平竞争。根据这两句,我们得出 c harmed fair market competition 破坏了公平的市场竞争,?其中“fair”同义替换了原文中的“even”。
39.【答案】b big-chain owners
【解析】细节题,根据做题顺序首先定位到第五段,再根据题干关键词“most likely to welcome the
supreme count ruling”定位到第五段第一句“the ruling is a victory for big chains with a presence in many
states”,这项裁决对于大型连锁公司来说是个胜利,因此快速锁定选项 b big-chain owners 大型连锁公司。
40.【答案】a gives a factual account of it and discusses its consequences
第三段介绍原来决议涉及到的案例;第四段借法官 anthony kennedy 之口,指出以前的决议有瑕疵;第五段介绍新决议的影响;第六段介绍新决议对州外卖家的影响;第七段介绍新决议对整个零售界的影响—
—受到零售界的肯定。由此可知,答案选 a ?gives a factual account of it and discusses its consequences 介绍了客观事实并讨论了其影响。
part b
【分析】用排除法可以确定适合做首段的只有 e,而 e 段首先引出 carnegie 对于 argument 的看法,提出了全文探讨的对象。注意 e 选项开头的代词 his,?指代的是其后主句中的主语?dale carnegie,故不能据此排除其在第一段的可能性。其他选项中,c 和 f 已知,?a 开头有代词指代,b 中 of course 及?
so successful 不能出现在首段首句,d carnegie 这一人名第一次出现应为全拼形式,g 选项中 better way 有比较不能在首段首句。
【分析】第一段 e 选项中介绍了 carnegie 关于 argument 的观点,d 选项开头对 carnegie 的观点给与
了评价“?carnegie would be right if arguments were fights, which is how we often think of them.”故因紧随其后。?同时下段已知选项为 f,?f 开头 also 表明与上段并列,f 段阐述的是把 argument 当成 fight 的恶果,d 选项的内容也与其类似,故第 42 题答案为 d。
【分析】根据 f 选项最后一句,none of these tricks will help you understand them… 总结了上述方法的问题所在,不破不立,既然上述方法有问题,那么更好的方法是什么呢?g 选项开头 there is a better way to win arguments,?提出了一种更好的方式。故 43 题正确答案为 g
【分析】g 选项提出了一种更好的赢的争论的方式,最后一句指出了这种方式的好处。b 选项开头 of
course, many discussions are not so successful,弱转折,指出有些讨论也许不会这么成功,但我们依然不能太快去指责对手,使得论证更加严密。此外 b 选项结尾指出谦虚要求你认识到自己观点的薄弱之处,并
且接受对手的观点,与下一段 c 选项中 none of these will be easy…衔接连贯,故 44 题答案选 b.
【分析】c 段给出了各种建议:formulate an argument…., ask them to give you a reason, spell out their argument… assess its strengthen… raise objections and listen carefully, ?而 a 段第一句提到了 these tools can
help you win every argument 对这些建议的作用进行了总结,these tools 指代前面的建议,故 45 题答案选 a。
part c
(46)?there is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lag press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms.
【解析】句子开头有一个固定搭配 a great deal of (很多,大量),在翻译过程中将其翻译成不胜枚举可以起到画龙点睛的作用。有一 which 引导的定语从句,定语从句中还有一个以 when 引导的时间状语从句。在翻译过程中我们对定语从句采取了分译法,而对时间状语从句采取了顺译法。在词法方面,我们还用到了词性转换,scare 一词在句子当中本为名词,我们将其转译为动词,这样使表达更为流畅。【译文】这种谬论在医学杂志上不胜枚举,一旦被广播和新闻出版社采用,既会对健康造成威胁又会带来短暂的饮食狂热。
(47)?nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago.
【解析】开头是 applying for….现在分词作后置定语修饰 anyone,在翻译时我们将其前置更符合汉语表达方式。后边有一个 that 引导的英语从句,翻译过程中我们采取了前置法将其翻译成….的。句子末尾是一个被动语态,在翻译过程中我们将其翻译成了主动语态,这样更符合汉语的表达方式。【译文】如今,任何申请研究方向职位的人需要发表的论文数量相当于十年前该职位的两倍。
(48.)?attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity into the assessment of an applicant’s papers.
们在翻译时,采用的顺译的方法,词语 incorporate 本义为合并,我们将其翻译成了一并纳入,这样更符合语境,也更符合中文表达。【译文】人们多次尝试遏制这种趋势,比方说,尽力将某种衡量质与量的标准一并纳入对申请人论文的评估之中。
(49.)?this would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publication, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favors.
固定搭配 get associates to do .....(让某人做某事)。在翻译过程中我们我们可以将主句放到最后,that 引导的同位语从句采取顺译的方法。【译文】如果科学家无法轻易在未来的刊物中引入自己或让同事做这样的事情来获取类似的好处,这将会是合理的。
(50) if we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions encourage that kind of science.
【解析】if 引导的是条件状语从句,译成中文后可放在句首。从句中出现 be serious about(认真/严格对待……),之后 ensuring 衔接的宾语从句可采用顺译法。we must ensure 后面再次衔接一个宾语从句,也可以采用顺译法。【译文】如果想要严格确保我们的科学既有意义又能复制,我们必须确保我们的政策鼓励那类科学的发展。
section iv writing51.?【试题分析】根据题干中信息可知:“作为支教农村项目的一个成员,回复一位国际志愿者的咨询,介绍这个项目的相关信息”。小作文三段式审题谋篇:第一段:自我介绍+写信目的第二段:项目细节/志愿者资格要求第三段:欢迎加入/有问题及时联系
dear friend,
?i am exceedingly delighted to hear from you. as one member of the “aiding rural primary school” project, i am writing this letter to provide you with some information regarding this project.
to begin with, this project aims to give a hand to kids who are in remote rural areas where they can’t receive proper education. in addition, we go to these rural primary schools regularly to hold some activities and donate some daily necessities and school supplies to them. finally, if you are warm-hearted and have enthusiasm for this project, you will be welcome to join us. ?
i sincerely hope that the above information will be useful to you. your love will let those children sense the warmth of our society. please feel free to contact me if you have any question.
yours sincerely, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? li ming
? ? ? what the cartoon tries to express is vivid and enlightening. featured in this drawing are two youngsters, who are climbing a mountain together. the man on the left, looking quite ambitious and confident, is encouraging his companion to keep going, saying “never quit! let’s have a rest and keep climbing.” in contrast, the man on the right, who seems quite depressed and hesitant, is unwilling to take a step further and sighing “i’m too exhausted; i want to give up!”
? ? ? ?this picture aims to inform us that much importance should be attached to persistence. indeed, it is universally believed that being persistent holds the key to personal growth and achievement. to be specific, perseverance is conductive to bring our potential into full play and motivate us to make continuous breakthroughs. ?furthermore, those with persistence tend to seize more opportunities in fierce competition and attain the top of their life and career. however, without perseverance, we are more likely to take a passive role when faced with difficulties and setbacks. as a result, we may be deprived of chances to taste the sweetness and gratification brought by achieving final success. in conclusion, under no account should we overlook the significance of persistence: the more we realize the importance of it, the more likely we are to carve out a way to success. ?
? ? ? it must be pointed out that perseverance is an indispensable equipment for youngsters. youngsters, as individuals, should always bear in mind that our life is not all rosy, but with persistence our future will certainly be fruitful.the need for perseverance is of vital significance if one would like to realize life goals.? ?

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