
 2024-01-28 12:50:57  考研全程辅导    8


复试时英语考察部分最为常见的方式为“英文自我介绍”,在进行自我介绍时介绍内容结构次序大致为开场时的礼貌问候+基本信息介绍+本科经历+报考原因+结束感谢等。介绍开场时对面试的老师进行简要的礼貌问候即可,主要为进行问好、表达意图,如good morning , dear professors. i am glad to be here for this interview.
基本信息介绍主要包括姓名、家乡、本科院校、专业以及兴趣爱好等信息,如 i come from xx,(城市)xx(省份)province.i am a?undergraduate?student from?xxx(本科院校)majoring in xx.(本科专业)in my spare time,i have intense interest in xx.(爱好)
本科经历则主要选择能突出专业能力的信息,集中于学术经历、所获荣誉、参加的实践活动等,如last year,i did an internship in xx.(实习单位)i was taking charge of xx,(负责的部分)which enabled me to consolidate my study and analysis skills.
报考本专业原因部分,主要集中于青睐目标院校各类条件(例如科研生态、教学环境、学习氛围等),如i love the atmosphere of xx,(报考院校)which is full of xx.(吸引人的地方)在自我介绍的最后,进行简要的总结并表达感谢即可。如thanks for your listening.
在进行英文的自我介绍后,有时老师还会针对于自我介绍的内容,来进行进一步的提问。例如how do you feel about your strength/weakness?(对于自我的优势、劣势看法)、why change your major?(为何选择跨考的原因)以及what is your ideal job?(自己心中的理想工作)等。因此还应针对自我介绍的具体内容做一些延展内容的准备,使自身准备更为充分些。

第一类(为什么选择考研/专业)q1:why do you want to go to graduate school??q2:why did you prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination?q3:what is the driving force for you to further study?q4:why did you choose this major??q5:could you tell us the reason why you chose this major?

q1:why do you choose to study at our school/institute??q2:why do you want to study at this university?q3:what attracts you most to choose our school as your choice?q4:could you talk about the reason why you chose this university?注意:从各方面夸一波报考学校,校园的学习氛围、师资力量、课题项目等等,还有环境优美、人文关怀、师生融洽等等,但不要太浮夸。夸不是漫无目的的随便夸,而是建立在学校学科基础上的真心夸赞。并且建议不要对其他院校/专业进行拉踩对比。示例:firstly, there is a good learning environment, where we can concentrate more on our study. secondly, there are many good teachers, students can learn more under the guidance of experts. those are the reasons why i choose to further my studies here.

q1:what impressed you during your school year / this year?
示例:i participated in the… competition in the junior year with the theme of… and won the… award. this project is currently being piloted in… and other places. during the preparation process, the team and i deeply studied ... theory, which was very helpful for my later studies. for example, ... theory provided us with a very strict logical framework. during the competition, i worked closely with the team, and the honor won with knowledge and hard work belongs to our team.?

(我在大三以…为主题参加了…竞赛,并获得了…奖项,这个项目目前已经在…等地试点。在准备过程中,我和团队深刻研究了…理论,这对我之后的学习非常有 助,比如…理论就给我们提供了非常严谨的逻辑框架。在参赛的过程中我与团队紧密配合,用知识、努力赢来的荣誉属于我们团队所有人。)


示例:i took the postgraduate exam this year, and made great efforts to come to my

ideal college. when i was reviewing in the library, i saw so many young people who worked hard for their dreams like me. whenever i wanted to give up or take a break, they always gave me the motivation to move .



q1: what is your plan after the postgraduate entrance examination?q2:can you talk about your plans for the postgraduate studies?q3: what do you expect to achieve during your postgraduate studies if you are enrolled into this university?
示例:?first of all, i will determine my research topic as soon as possible under the guidance of my teacher. secondly, on the one hand, i will continue to learn new knowledge and improve my professional quality. on the other hand, i will start to read more papers and do some research under the guidance of teachers.


q1:what do you do in your spare time?//你在空闲时间会做什么?

示例:for example, from this holiday, in order to practice my speaking, i will read and recite two english articles every morning. as you can see, this has achieved some results. i also read professional books, such as our classic books like ... i think this book is very helpful for the current study of … theories. i insist on exercising every day, such as running, skipping, etc. i also developed a good habit of writing a diary and remembering to reflect on the day before bedtime, which i think is very beneficial for my growth and planning.
(拿这个假期来说,为了锻炼口语,我每天早上都会跟读并朗诵两篇英文文章,如您所见,这取得了一些成果。我还会读专业书,比如我们本专业的经典读物…,我认为这本书对于目前…理论的研究非常有 助。我坚持每天锻炼身体,诸如跑步、跳绳等。我还养成了写日记并在睡前回忆反思一天的好习惯,我认为这对我成长发展和规划计划非常有利。)

your strengths
2、你的缺点是什么?your weaknesses
3、你从以往的学生经历中学到了什么?what have you learned from your student experience?
4、你的性格是什么?what is your personality?
5、你从实习经历中学到了什么?what have you learned from your internship experience?6、你从科研/竞赛经历中学到了什么?what have?you learned from your research experience/competition experience?
7、面对压力时,你会怎么处理?how do you handle stress?
8、在团队合作中,你擅长处理什么任务?what tasks are you good at working on in a team?9、你有哪些和专业相关的兴趣爱好?what are your major related interests?
10、你平时喜欢小组合作还是自己独立完成任务?do you prefer working in groups or on your own?
tell me something about your major.
2、在大学期间获得哪些证书?what qualifications have you obtain?
3、你最喜欢哪门课程?为什么呢?what is your favorite subject and why?
4、你觉得英语重要么?为什么?do you think english is important for your future plans?
5、本科期间影响最深刻的一件事(学习方面)?one of the most profound things during my undergraduate years (learning)
6、大学生活和高中生活有哪些不同?what are the differences between middle school and university life?
7、你认为你现在所学的课程和现代社会实际关联度高吗?为什么?do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? why?
8.你认为你本专业和考研专业之间的联系如何?what do you think of the?connection between your major and the one you are applying for?
what do you like to do in your spare time? how do you arrange your spare time?
2、你的兴趣爱好是什么?could you tell me your hobby ?
3、你最喜欢什么样的音乐?为什么?what kind of music do you like? why?
4、你喜欢电影吗?你最近看过什么电影?do you like watching movie? talk about a movie you like/ you have watched recently?
5、你喜欢什么类型的电视剧?talk about a tv series you like.
6、 你喜欢读什么类型的书籍?talk about a book you like.
7、你认为打游戏有哪些优点和缺点?what is advantages and disadvantages for watching computer games?
why do you choose to study at our school/ institute?
2、为什么选择(xxx专业)为什么你要换专业?(针对跨专业)why did you choose … as your major? why do you change your major?
3、为什么考研的原因?would you please give me some reasons for taking postgraduate exams?
4、你为什么选择考研,而不是找工作?why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?
5、如果你录取了我们学校,你希望在这里收获什么?what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?
6、对于接下来研究生学习的规划。what is your plan in the postgraduate study?
7、如果有一个出国留学的机会给你,你会怎么做?if there was a chance to study abroad, what would you do?
8、毕业后的职业规划?do you have a career plan after graduate?
9、如果你这次考研失败了,近期你有什么打算?if you failed this time what will you do in the near future?
10、读研期间自己有哪些计划?what are your plans for graduate school?

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