
 2023-10-09 08:11:32  考研全程辅导    12

passage2?注解:标题为红色,翻译为蓝色,分析为绿色。????????to paraphrase改述/意译?18th-century statesman edmund burke,all that is needed for the triumph成功 of a misguided cause事业 is that good people do n...

passage2?注解:标题为红色,翻译为蓝色,分析为绿色。????????to paraphrase改述/意译?18th-century statesman edmund burke,all that is needed for the triumph成功 of a misguided cause事业 is that good people do nothing.one such cause now seeks to end【seeks to end去终止】 biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out【rule?out阻止xxx发生】 their use in research. scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances进步,发展?in health knowledge and care.leaders of the animal rights movement target【把...作为目标】 biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. hearing allegations无证据的指控 of cruelty残忍 to animals in research settings环境, many are perplexed迷惑?that anyone would deliberately harm an animal.
????????for example,a grandmotherly woman staffing在..工作 an animal rights booth摆摊,摊位 at a recent street fair集市?was distributing a brochure宣传册 that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals-no meat, no fur, no medicines. asked if she opposed immunizations免疫接种, she wanted to know if vaccines疫苗 come from animal research.when assured that they do, she replied,then i would have to say yes【say yes根据语境就是反对】.asked what will happen when epidemics传染病 return回归, she said,such well-meaning【well-meaning好心的】 people just dont understand.
????????scientists must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate有同情心的,understandable可以被理解的 way-in human terms术语=语言, not in the language of molecular biology【molecular biology分子生物学】. we need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmothers hip髋骨?replacement置换手术,a fathers bypass心脏搭桥手术?operation,a babys shots宠物注射. to those【to those表示对于这些人来说,后面用who定语从句修饰这些人】 who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments治疗方法?and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.
????????much can be done【有很多事情可以做】. scientists could middle school classes and present their own research. they should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation误导信息 go unchallenged【未接受挑战的,在本文的意思是:未经受质疑的】 and acquire a deceptive骗人的 appearance of truth. research institutions机构 could be opened to tours【?be opened to tours对游客开放】, to show that laboratory animals receive humane care. finally, because the ultimate stakeholders【ultimate stakeholders最后的股东,也就是最后的值得发言的人】?are patients, the health research community should actively recruit招募,动员 to its cause not only well-known personalities名人 such as stephen cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment. if good people do nothing, there is a real possibility that an uninformed不被告知的(在本文意思是:不明事理的)?citizenry全体市民 will extinguish扑灭,熄灭?the precious珍贵的 embers余火 of medical progress.
26. the author begins his article with edmund burkes words to.
[a] call on scientists to take some actions
[b] criticize the misguided cause of animal rights
[c] warn of the doom of biomedical research
[d] show the triumph of the animal rights movement
27. misled people tend to think that using an animal in research is.
[a] cruel but natural
[b] inhuman and unacceptable
[c] inevitable but vicious
[d] pointless and wasteful
28. the example of the grandmotherly woman is used to show the publics.
[a] discontent with animal research
[b] ignorance about medical science
[c] indifference to epidemics
[d] anxiety about animal rights
29. the author believes that, in face of the challenge from animal rights advocates, scientists should
[a] communicate more with the public
b] employ hi-tech means in research
[c] feel no shame for their cause
[d] strive to develop new cures
30. from the text we learn that stephen cooper is.
[a]a well-known humanist
[b]a medical practitioner
[c] an enthusiast in animal rights
[d]a supporter of animal research
(4)rule out排除在外,拒绝,取消
三、阅读答案:a b b a d
? ? ? ? ?18世纪政治家埃德蒙·柏克曾说过类似这样的话,“一个被误导的事业如果要得逞,惟一需要的就是好人无所作为”。现在就有这样一个被误导的事业,它正在寻求终止生物医学的研究,因为有一种理论说,动物有权利拒绝被作为实验对象。科学家应该对动物权利鼓吹者做出强有力的回应,因为他们的言论混淆了公众的视听,从而威胁到卫生知识和医疗的进步。动物权利运动的领导者将矛头指向生物医学研究,原因在于它依赖公共资金的资助,并且很少有人懂得卫生医疗研究的过程。当人们听到医学实验虐待动物的指控时,许多人都不明白为什么有人会故意伤害动物。


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