
 2023-07-11 17:07:03  考研全程辅导    19

postgraduate students recruitment in miyajima labprof. miyajima received bs and ph.d. from the university of tokyo in 2008 and 2013, respectively. during his ph.d. course, he sta...

postgraduate students recruitment in miyajima labprof. miyajima received bs and ph.d. from the university of tokyo in 2008 and 2013, respectively. during his ph.d. course, he stayed for one year at uc santa barbara to study polymer chemistry. after getting ph.d., he joined riken, a national research institute in japan, as a researcher and was promoted to a unit leader (pi) in 2018. in 2023, he joined as a full professor in school of science and engineering, the chinese university of hong, shenzhen (cuhk-sz).prof. miyajima has developed novel materials with a special focus on the self-assembly of small and macro-molecules. so far, he has published many papers in top journals such as nature, science, nat. materials, n

at. chemistry as either the first or corresponding authors. currently, he is motivated to develop novel chemistry with a triangle-shaped molecules, heptazine. he recently published a paper in nature (see ref. (1) below) based on the unique optical properties of heptazine. his group has discovered unique and unprecedented features of this molecule and tries to develop novel chemistry/materials. his group now recruits phd students and post-doc researchers. if you are interested in developing novel materials with him, please feel free to contact prof. miyajima. besides heptazine, there are many on-going research projects ranging from supramolecular polymers to nanoparticles and you can decide your research project through the discussion with prof. miyajima. for your reference, please see the following papers as his latest researches.(1) nature, 609, 502-506(2) nature materials, 21, 253-261(3) angewandte chemie internal edition, 60, 3261–3267applications for 2023 fall admission is now open!we are continuously recruiting students in materials science and engineering (mme) at school of science and engineering (sse) as following:[requirements](a) to qualify as a ph.d. student, you must meet the following requirements:1. the applicant should hold, or expect to hold by the time of admission, a bachelor's or master’s degree in chemistry, materials science, or a closely related field.2. gpa must be higher than 80/100 or 3.2/4.0.3. applicants who do not speak english as their mother tongue need to provide documentations of good communication skills in english, typically evidenced by english language tests such as toefl and ielts. the minimum scores of toefl and the band score of ielts is 79 (internet-based) and 6.5, respectively. you must submit your english test scores before the time of admission.(b) to qualify as a m.phil. student, you have to meet the same requirements as those for ph.d. applicants, while the requirements for gpa and educational backgrounds can be appropriately lowered. please note that applicants with a master's degree cannot apply.[application procedure]if you feel interested in our research, please send the following materials to the email the title1. cv (including gpa & rankings; in english),2. publication list (pdf format, if applicable).after prof. miyajima confirms, you may apply for the postgraduate program on the sse website (mention the instructor's name):[faq]1. degree:the chinese university of hong kong.2. ph.d. studying period:4-5 years; 4 years for students with a master's degree of the same major; 5 years for students with a bachelor's degree; prof. miyajima encourages outstanding ph.d. students to graduate ahead of time.3. is a m.phil. program able to be transformed into a ph.d. program?a m.phil. student with outstanding scientific research outputs can be transformed to a ph.d. at the end of the first or the second year.4. how many ph.d. and m.phil. positions in the group are there?the number of positions is not allocated by the ministry of education, so there is no limit. currently, the group plans to recruit 3-4 ph.d. students and several m.phil. students every year.5. what should i do if my english scores are not available before the deadline of application?if you do not obtain the required english scores before the deadline of application, you may postpone the submission and submit it before admission. students studying in english-taught countries are exempt from english scores.

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