2021年考研英语一PART B新题型解析(上海新东方)

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In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of thenumbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of theblanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10 points)

In the movies and on television, artificial intelligence is typicallydepicted as something sinister that will upend our way of life. When it comes toAI in business, we often hear about it in relation to automation and theimpending loss of jobs, but in what ways is AI changing companies and the largereconomy that don’t involve doom-and-gloom mass unemployment predictions?

A recent survey of manufacturing and service industries from TataConsultancy Services found that companies currently use AI more often incomputer-to-computer activities than in automating human activities. One co妹妹onapplication? Preventing electronic security breaches, which, rather thaneliminating IT jobs, actually makes those personnel more valuable to employers,because they help firms prevent hacking attempts.

Here are a few other ways AI is aiding companies without replacingemployees:

Better hiring practices

Companies are using artificial intelligence to remove some of theunconscious bias from hiring decisions. “There are experiments that show that,naturally, the results of interviews are much more biased than what AI does,”says PédroDomingos, author of The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for theUltimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World and a computer science.41_____________ One company that’s doing this is called Blendoor. It usesanalytics to help identify where there may be bias in the hiring process.

More effective marketing

Some AI software can analyze and optimize marketing email subject lines toincrease open rates. One company in the UK, Phrasee, claims their software canoutperform humans by up to 10 percent when it comes to email open rates. Thiscan mean millions more in revenue. 42_________. These are “tools that helppeople use data, not a replacement for people,” says Patrick H. Winston, aprofessor of artificial intelligence and computer science at MIT.

Saving customers money

Energy companies can use AI to help customers reduce their electricitybills, saving them money while helping the environment. Companies can alsooptimize their own energy use and cut down on the cost of electricity. Insurancecompanies, meanwhile, can base their premiums on AI models that more accuratelyaccess risk.43____________ says Domingos,

Improved accuracy

“Machine learning often provides a more reliable form of statistics, whichmakes data more valuable,” says Winston. It “helps people make smarterdecisions.” 44___________

Protecting and maintaining infrastructure

A number of companies, particularly in energy and transportation, use AIimage processing technology to inspect infrastructure and prevent equipmentfailure or leaks before they happen. “If they fail first and then you fix them,it’s very expensive,” says Domingos. 45_______

[A]AI replaces the boring parts of your job. If you’re doing research, youcan have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwiseyou just wouldn’t have time for.

[B] One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contractsduring an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, isfaster and more accurate.

[C] There are also companies like Acquisio, which analyzes advertisingperformance across multiple channels like Adwords, Bing and social media andmakes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield bestresults.

[D] You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to whereit’s useful for employees to go to.

[E] Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk orcharge them too much, or they would charge them too little and then it wouldcost [the company] money.

[F] We’re also giving our customers better channels versus picking up thephone to accomplish something beyond human scale.

[G] AI looks at résumés in greater numbers than humans would be able to,and selects the more promising candidates.


41. 基于本段小题目Better hiring practices和上文说起的“the results of interviews are muchmore biased than what AI does,(真人口试的成果天然要比AI口试成果存在更多成见)”这一语境线索和下文“It usesanalytics to help identify where there may be bias in the hiringprocess(它利用阐发来帮忙辨认雇用进程中可能存在的成见).”,可以判读41空与口试雇用环节利用AI有关。

故41题选择[G] AI looks at résumés in greater numbers than humans would be ableto, and selects the more promising candidates.(41)比拟人类,人工智能可以或许翻看更多的简历,并选择更有出路的候选人。

整段句意:很多公司都在利用人工智能来解除雇用决议计划中的一些偶然识的成见。 “有多项实行表白, 真人口试的成果天然要比AI口试成果存在更多成见,PédroDomingos(佩德罗·多明戈)曾如许说。他是《主算法:最终进修机的摸索将若何重塑咱们的世界和计较机科学》一书的作者。(41)比拟人类,人工智能可以或许翻看更多的简历,并选择更有出路的候选人。有一家叫做Blendoor的公司正在如许做。它利用阐发来帮忙辨认雇用进程中可能存在的成见。

42. 通事后文 “These are tools help people use data, not a replacement forpeople”(这些是帮忙人们利用数据的东西,而不是人类的替换品)可以得悉,前文内容触及一系列帮忙人们利用数据却其实不会替换人类的东西。故选择[C] Thereare also companies like Acquisio, which analyzes advertising performance acrossmultiple channels like Adwords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments orsuggestions about where advertising funds will yield best results.

一些人工智能软件可以阐发和优化营销邮件主题,以提高打开率。英国一家名为Phrasee的公司宣称,他们的软件在邮件打开率方面比人类超过跨过10%。这可能象征着更多的收入。42.[C]另有一些像Acquisio如许的公司,它们经由过程Adwords、必应和社交媒体等多种渠道阐发告白表示,并就告白资金将发生最好结果的范畴做出调解或建议。这些是“帮忙人们利用数据的东西,而不是人类的替换品,”麻省理工学院(MIT)人工智能和计较机科学传授帕特里克·h·温斯顿(PatrickH. Winston)说。

43. 基于前文提到Insurance companies(保险公司)can base their premiums on AI modelsthat more accurately access risk.保险公司可以基于更正确地获得危害的人工智能模子来制订保费,基于语域一致原则,选择[E]Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge themtoo much, or they would charge them too little and then it would cost [thecompany] money.之前,他们可能不会为那些感觉危害很高的人投保,或向他们收取太高的用度,或向他们收取太低的用度,如许(公司)就会赔钱。”


44.基于前文“makes data more valuable(使数据更有价值),”“It helps people make smarterdecisions.” 它“帮忙人们做出更明智的决议。”可以填入[B] One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI systemthat helps review contracts during an audit. This process, along with employeesreviewing the contracts, is faster and moreaccurate.管帐师事件所安永(EY)利用一种人工智能体系,在审计时代帮忙审查合同。这个进程,连同雇员审查合同,速率更快和正确率更高。

[B] One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contractsduring an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, isfaster and more accurate.


更有价值,”温斯顿说。它“帮忙人们做出更明智的决议。” 44(B)管帐师事件所安永(EY)利用一种人工智能体系,在审计时代帮忙审查合同。这个进程,连同雇员审查合同,速率更快和正确率更高。

45. 基于上文语境,填入[D] You want to predict if something needs attention now andpoint to where it’s useful for employees to goto.你要展望如今是不是存眷一些一些方面,并指出哪些处所对员工有效。


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