
 2023-04-14 12:46:32  考研全程辅导    20

据《某校2021年工商打点硕士(mba)复试作业细则》介绍,英语传闻才能查验时刻每人约5分钟。其间自个自述1~2分钟,对话3~4分钟。 这需求看似时刻不长、内容量也不大,但关于英语水平本就不高、张不开嘴说、听力也太好的考生来说...


紧迫情况 1
初度呈现疑问没听懂的时分,用i beg your pardon?或what?(啥?)那都是充溢年代感的答复,其实,你可以这样说:
sorry, it get your point, could you please repeat your question?
sorry, it get your point, could you please repeat your question in another way, or more slowly?
紧迫情况 2
第次疑问又没听懂,i beg your pardon again?what again? and again? 假定是这样,教师嘴上不说,心里也必定初步质疑。这时分,真挚就是最佳的战略,你可以这样说:
sorry again, for not catching the key of your quetion, i have been working very hard to prepare for the entrance exam for mba, and i spent hours and hours every day, every single day improving my vocabulary and grammer. anyway, i know i have to work harder than others to catch up with them in learning the language, and i will continue to do so. just give me some time , and i have faith in myself to do a better job, not only in reading and writing, but also in speaking and listening.
紧迫情况 3
thank you for your question, like i said, itt get the key of your question, for my oral english is not good, neither is my listening ability, anyway, i did do some hard

work and i prepared for a self-introduction, so i can share something important about myself, and maybe that will also inlcude what u want to know:
谢谢您的疑问, 就像我说的, 很侥幸参加这次面试,可是抱愧,我恐怕没有抓到疑问的要害,因为我的英语口语不好,听力也不咋地。但不管如何,我尽力做了一些功课,我预备了一个毛遂自荐,我可以共享一些重要的、有关自个的信息,或许这其间就有您想晓得的:
good morning/afternoon, my dear professors and leaders,
my name is ____(名字). i am_____(年纪,填写数字)this year and i come from____. (填写家乡;留心:可以被诘问疑问1 :介绍家乡),i do appreciate the chance given to me, making me a member of this interview. i have been working in ____(公司名), and engaged in the field of....(领域称号)for ____years.(可以被诘问疑问2:介绍公司) i am a ____(岗位名)and responsible for____(作业具体内容). i am confident , optimistic, and a strong-willed person with a sense of reponsibility. in my spare time, i like reading,(可以被诘问疑问3 如何学习英语?大学、大学的学习情况), sports, and listening to music(可以被诘问疑问4: 介绍读过的一本书). i always believe in the strength of education so i do hope i can improve myself through the mba study(可以被诘问疑问5 为啥mba是前进自个的方法?作业方案. i bear in mind the words “make each day count, and try your best!” , and take it the motto of mine. well, that’s pretty much all, thank you so much for your attention, i am looking forward to more discussion with your honored professors and leaders.
紧迫情况 4
① 假定只听懂了个work,别管具体问啥,就像下面这样说:
work is a key part of my life and i spend most of my time engaging in my career. i am a xxx(岗位称号) and, like i said, i am responsible for xxx(作业内容). our company is in(地址) and we mainly do business in xx(公司商场事务称号). i think management is the process in which the manager in an organization coordinates the activities of others by implementing plans, organizing, leading and controlling, and leads people to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently.
作业是我日子的重要构成有些,我的大有些时刻都花在了作业上。我是一个xxx(岗位称号), 就像我说的, 我担任xxx(作业内容)。咱们公司是在(地址), 咱们首要做xx生意的(公司商场事务称号)。我认为打点是一个组织中的打点者经过施行方案、组织、领导和控制来调和其别人的活动,并领导我们有用地、高效地完成组织方针的进程。
② 假定只听懂了个university,别管具体问啥,就像下面这样说:
xxx university is featured with its glorious history, and well-known for its academic atmosphere and research achievement.
i know some courses like xx and xxx, which are very useful for any mba/mem student who aspires to be a professional in management.
by the way, i know some friends who studied here and it is their confident and impressive recommendations that further secure my faith in this university.
③ 假定只听懂了个management,别管具体问啥,就像下面这样说:
management is a comprehensive integration, including supply chain, product, financial management, personnel management, project cycle and so on. although i don’t have a systemmatic view and professional cognition on management, and therefore i can’t talk a lot theoretically. i did have a lot of working experience on mangement. and this is also why i go for an mba/mem , to further improve my systematic and theoretical study.
紧迫情况 5
well, en...thank you for your question, huh, let me see...its hard to make a clear statement about the question, but personally, i think...

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