研究生英语作文写作模板及范文分析(1)@2020英语写作真题Part A

 2022-10-16 10:42:09  考研全程班多少钱    8

必要注重的是电邮末端格局可以用 Yours sincerely, 至关于咱们曩昔写信中经常使用到的“此致敬礼”!最后是署名:Li Ming. 参考范文: Dear Friends, As a member of the Student Union, I am writing this letter to i...

必要注重的是电邮末端格局可以用 Yours sincerely, 至关于咱们曩昔写信中经常使用到的“此致敬礼”!最后是署名:Li Ming.


Dear Friends,

As a member of the Student Union, I am writing this letter to inform you that we are going to visit the Great Wall next week.

As you know, the Great Wall , which is also known as the

protection of our country in the ancient time, embodies this nation profound meaning with

its deep nationalism and precious patriotism. During this trip, it is advisable to pay closer to the time and rest. Climbing the Great Wall will take up

your strenth. Consequently, you can take some water and snack with you.

I hope that you will enjoy the journey. If you have any further question, please don't hesitate to reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming.

注重小作为是请求规划带留学生去一个汗青游览景点:a historial site. 范文因此长城(Great Wall) 为例,你可以写一个你地点都会或你认识的景点,比方武汉黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Town in Wuhan)、上海城隍庙(The Old Temper in Shanghai)、南京秦淮河(The inner section section of Qinhua River in Nanjing)、杭州西湖(The West Lake in Hangzhou) 等等。对这些汗青人文景点做一个简略的描写便可。至于开首和末端都是模板化的工具,很是简略。

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