
 2022-08-16 16:37:14  考研全程班多少钱    15

利用“三段式”应答法子:首段描写,第二段解读,结尾总结或展望。 开首:The above pie chart shows specific attributes that ____ ____ in some valued when ____ ____ on ___ ___ in 2021s(年份). 图中的饼...


开首:The above pie chart shows specific attributes that ____ ____

in some valued when ____ ____ on ___ ___ in

2021s(年份). 图中的饼状图清楚地暗示……数目……在……当中在2021年

描写:The most important attributes, accounting for 36% of all the attributes. 最首要的身分/属性占到了全数的36%。On the second,____ ____accounting for 36%其次,某某数据占百分之36%The lowest variables were ____ and ____, comprising of roughly 13%.最低的是……和……大致包含13%

解读:The data reveals shows very important things that这些数据为咱们展示了一些很是首要的工具那就是……it is not difficult to know some factors make these things happen……不难想到是甚么身分致使这些事变产生……With the economical development and the society advancing 跟着经济的成长和社会的前进

末端:Last and not least,the result最闭幕果是……Maybe this situation will continue to next year这类情景可能会延续到下一年

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