2018考研英语一、英语二震撼命中, 再创精准押题传奇!(2018考研英语一真题及答案完整版)

 2023-12-19 18:48:18  考研全封闭培训    14

原标题:2018考研英语一、英语二震撼命中, 再创精准押题传奇! ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 万学 考研英语震撼命中 只为 助更多学子金榜题名 100%命中完型、阅读、翻译考点 ...

原标题:2018考研英语一、英语二震撼命中, 再创精准押题传奇!

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万学 考研英语震撼命中

只为 助更多学子金榜题名




万学 2018考研英语



2018年度的考研英语科目在今天下午落下了帷幕,总体来说,今年的大小作文难度适中,根据 考研北京总部和特训营给学员们总结的必背范文,写作时注意语言使用正确、结构框架完整,用词注意灵活性、句式结构注意多样性,均可取得不错的成绩!

2018考研英语真题作文(一)小作文 邀请信

directions: write an email to all international experts on campus, inviting them to after the graduation ceremony. in your email, you should include the time, place and other relevant information about the ceremony.

you should write about 100 words neatly on the answer sheet.

do not use your own name at the end of the email. use “li ming”instead (10 points)

押题铁证一--- 考研提升阶段讲义p144---高频书信十“邀请信”



we—all the would-be graduates— will hold an after-graduation party recently. i feel greatly honored to write this e-mail to invite you to attend our after-graduation party.

the party will be held in the room 204, teaching building no. 6 next sunday ( july 6th). the party will begin at 7:00 pm and it will last about two hours. we may chat while enjoying some fruits, soft drinks and sunflowers seeds. there will also be some entertaining performances given by our classmates. we sincerely hope all of you professors can take part in this party and share the happiness with us.

we look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. i cannot wait to see you at the graduation party.

yours sincerely,

li min

押题铁证二—— 考研考前3天密押必备小作文


from the vivid picture given above, we may find that in front of a computer sits a youngster, who is focused on selecting classes through an online system. when faced with different choices, he feels quite hesitated. some classes are designed to improve students’innovation capacity and accumulate new knowledge, while some curriculums are much easier to pass. simple as the picture is, what it conveys deserves our deep consideration.

by drawing this cartoon, the author reminds us that due attention should be paid to the significance of innovation, an element which plays an important role in our study and life. looking around the world, what we are employing, experiencing, and desiring for are from thosecreative minds. it’s the innovation that steers our society into progressive phases. creative mind may bring out the best in us and enable us to realize life goals and life dreams more rapidly. without innovation, we may be obsessed with the fulfillment that we have achieved, hence we are less likely to make further achievement in our study and career. numerous instances can be given to illustrate the importance of this spirit, from the discovery of penicillin to the presumption of universal gravitation, even from the invention of one appliance to the launch of a spacecraft.

as a consequence, innovation consciousness is badly needed in every aspect of our society. in order to bring out this potential ability, our education system is supposed to be reformed fundamentally, focusing on cultivating inventive mind among students. in brief, if one person or a nation would like to make continuous improvement, they should bear in mind that only the spirit of innovation can ensure a brilliant future.

押题铁证三--- 18考研英语考前点题-英一英二大作文话题终极预测




as is vividly depicted in this instructive cartoon is a scene that two men are fishing in the same river, while having had definitely different results. to be specific, the person on the left has only one fish-hook, thus getting one fish a time, while the other one on the right, having a fishing rod with six fish-hooks, can get six fish very easily and conveniently. it is obvious that as long as the fisherman creatively changes the way he fishes, there would be a completely different result.

the purpose of the cartoonist is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to innovation and creativity. to begin with, an innovative attitude could be said to be the principle or motto of scientific research. think about the innumerable times a scientific experiment must be carried out before a new medicine or vaccine is discovered. in addition, innovation contributes to the success of many businesses. as long as a corporation keeps creative and tries to change the management and market system, it will surely find a way out and become increasingly successful in its related field.

to sum up, in any field of endeavor, whether it be in medicine, scientific research, academic performance, business management and so on, it seems necessary to put emphasis on the virtue of innovation and creativity, which is an essential factor for the development to individuals, let alone to that of a society and acountry.




elaborately and conspicuously, the sketch poses a sharp contrast of two men confined in bottles. the adult with thick glasses, who follows a stereotype routine and attempts to find the exit, is trapped in the bottle. conversely, the other one, discarding the old tradition, smashes the container and easily escapes. the cartoon, apparently, intends to inform us of the significance of innovation.

as jack ma, the founding father of alibaba, once put it, “innovation is the booster of progress.” specifically, creative mind is the soul of vigorous society, and the guarantee of sustainable development. to further illustrate the importance of innovation, i would like to take steve jobs as a case in point: how could he, a genius who change the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, invent so many powerful electronic products without a creative spirit? judged from the point above, the ability to think out-of-the-box is the last thing we can abandon in the world.

confronted with the prevalent and pervasive tendency in the emphasis of creativity, the authorities should launch a large-scale educational campaign to create an atmosphere of innovation. coinciding with this move, the mass media is amenable to motivate this trend. with the coordination of all these measures, we are definitely to achieve a more promising future.



2018年度的考研英语科目在今天下午落下了帷幕,总体来说,今年的大小作文难度适中,根据 考研北京总部和特训营以及 写作老师们考前三天给学员们总结的密押必背范文,写作时注意语言使用正确、结构框架完整,用词注意灵活性、句式结构注意多样性,均可取得不错的成绩!



51. directions:

suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit professor smith. write him an email to

1) apologize and explain the situation, and

2) suggest a future meeting.

you should write about100 words neatly on the answersheet.

do not use your own name at the end of the email. use “zhangwei” instead (10points)


押题链接--- 超级特训营提升阶段讲义p144--- “道歉信”



①2018 考研英语应用文话题冲刺预测及首尾段必备句式(12.12)


②2018 考研 考研英语考前小作文秘笈



2018 届钻石卡学员9 月份阶段测试








it is no difficulty for us to put forward some possible factors to account for this change. in the first place, this trend is closely related to the rapid enhancement of people’s living standard and purchasing power, so a vast majority of people can afford the once expensive necessities such as milk and meat.in addition, this situation can also be attributed to the fact that people in mounting numbers have attached great importance to a balanced diet in which milk and meat are indispensable. lastly, due to the prosperity of market-oriented economy, the booming manufacture industry has made the adequate supply of various food products possible, which promotes the popularity of milk and meat.




《2018 考前密训营英语教材》p144(同冲刺课程教材同图、同范文)


the chart subtly presents us the results of a survey with regard to different proportions ofconsumersof different ages shopping online. specifically, the proportion of consumersranging from 25-35 ranks the first, accounting for55% of the total. meanwhile, thosebetween 35 and 45 constitute25%. as a sharp contrast, the percentage of other age group makes up20.


the chart, undeniably, intends to deliver the message thatonline transaction is becoming anirreversible and irresistible trend among all citizens, old or young, men or women, rich or poor.the trend can be traced to a multitude of factors, while the fundamental ones can be sought asfollows. first and foremost, the authorities concerned have formulated and enforced relevantregulations to protect and promote the development ofonline shopping. additionally, with thequickening pace of modern life, purchasers, particularly those aged from 25 to 35, barely havemuch time to waste inwindow-shopping. conversely,online shopping contributes to saving agreat deal of time and energy.


it can be predicted that this momentum in developing countries will continue in the years ahead, which is beneficial to individuals and society and should be further advocated and stimulated.

本文 考研整理











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