2021年考研英语(一)作文解析(武汉 )

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??2021考研初试12月26~27日举行,2021考研初试环境(点击检察》》2021考研初试真题及谜底解析专题),第一时候为考生供给考研真题谜底及谜底解析内容,同时 考研西席将为考生供给视频直播解析。直播进口|考研真题谜底专区 P...

??2021考研初试12月26~27日举行,2021考研初试环境(点击检察》》2021考研初试真题及谜底解析专题),第一时候为考生供给考研真题谜底及谜底解析内容,同时 考研西席将为考生供给视频直播解析。直播进口|考研真题谜底专区

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In youressay you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your co妹妹ents.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


Illustrated in this impressive and thought-provoking cartoon is a highlyenlightening scenario in which a little kid, who acts as an actor just like theMonkey King holding a golden cudgel in the A Journey to the West and isdecorated with a hat and Chinese costumes, says to his father, “Dad, a greatnumber of my classmates assert what I perform is not funny and interesting.”Quite obviously, this father responds to his kid with a big smile, “

Don’t youthink it is okay only if you are really fond of it?”

What the drawer intends to awaken us seems simple and straightforward, thatis, it is the interest from the bottom of our heart, rather than others’co妹妹ents or evaluation to what we like to do会见加逗号 that does matter on the way tosuccess. Had Confucius not been extremely interested in teaching his students uphill and down dale, he would not have become the greatest educationist inChina;HadHelen Keller not shown intense interest in writing, Three Days to Seewould not have inspired millions of the disabled to brave storms in life allover the world.All in all, interest is the best teacher who can teach us tobring our potentials into full play and thus overcome obstacles.

From what has been described and analyzed aforementioned, it is myperspective that, for one thing, when faced with any doubts or unfriendlyremarks to our interest or dream, on no account should one fail to stay true toour original aspiration. For another, what is strongly suggested is that parentsencourage their children to live in their dreams and take solid actions toachieve them instead of just being indulged in others’ mouths that utter thenoisily so-called preconception. Only by being yourself and doing what youreally love can seeds of interest sprout as a result.


2021哲学考研国家线 较2020年研究生复试分数线上涨1分 2021考研政治考点精华 是你需要牢记的(万磊)

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